All Things Crafts

I was walking through Metro Hall this spring and noticed an Exhibit of interesting clothes and housewares .

At first I didn’t realize that all items on the exhibit were from the 19 th century Serbia . Exhibit was called “Then and Now” and was presenting Serbian culture, tradition and lifestyle in rural areas. You could view numerous authentic items from the 19th century to present time -... Read more
The challenge in this round was to represent the element of earth in some, way, shape or form with our creations. Earth can be represented by gems, rocks and sand, or earth creatures, plants, and earthy colours.

I’ve found myself infatuated with brown hues of late, so it surprised me to have struggled with this challenge. I really wanted this challenge to be handmade from ground zero. So, I decided to... Read more
Here is my challenge entry for the iCraft blog challenge for The Elements: The Wind . I knew I wanted to make something with wings and, when I thought of the wind, I thought of blue skies and white clouds. Once I chose those colours, it just looked so baby boy to me, that I had to make this teddy bear in to an angel, so that I could have something winged and connected to the sky.

Voila - a Teddy-Bear Angel... Read more
As a knitter, I’m always looking for better needles .

I first started knitting on needles given to me by my mom, and I had no idea what the little numbers at the end meant. Now, I can take any size needle, any size yarn and make anything! Wait a minute… yarn has size too? That’s the question I get from people who want to start knitting. People who are new to the craft don’t realize... Read more
The Decorating Diva, LLC. is getting all her Giveaway items ready to roll for our draw from the list of @PayitFOURward followers on Twitter.

The PayitFOURward message was about donating any amount of money with the number 4 in it to Money was being raised to assist the Marsh family with the $100,000 medical bills that the health insurance didn't cover. We were able to communicate... Read more
Announcing Giveaway Winners In my first post about Layla Grace , the two year old that just recently died of Neuroblastoma cancer, I offered a giveaway for all visitors that left a comment.

Although there weren't many comments, I know there was lots of help by readers getting the story out with Twitter retweets, Facebook sharing and blog posts. Thanks so much to everyone that took a moment to share the... Read more
The Heartbreaking Story of Layla Grace Marsh...

She will always be a reminder for us to hug our kids whenever we get the chance. Yesterday, March 9 2010, Layla Grace aged 2, passed away from Neuroblastoma Cancer .

In my last Layla Grace post, I wrote about our efforts to raise money to help the Marsh family with the $100,000 medical bills that their health insurance did not cover.

My personal... Read more
Layla Grace was a happy, healthy little girl ... always sweet as pie and a little cuddle monkey too. She was the inspiration for her mom, Shanna Marsh, who started a fun website called Baby Wears Prada. Shanna befriended and supported the handmade and the design communities through her site, blogging and promoting all things cute and cuddly for babies.

Ten months ago Shanna and Ryan Marsh were delivered... Read more
As a knitter myself, I am always curious to see what other knitters and crocheters are up to.
There is so much talent out there, that I never stop being amazed at the creativity and the patience that knitters demonstrate.

Do a replacement on Google for "knitted creations" and you will find everything from knitted Ferrari, made by 22 year old art student from London, UK ( see video on YouTube ) to a knitted... Read more
It has been a long cold winter… thinking I could escape it, and for the most part I did, my going home to New Mexico for the month of December. Though it did prove to be cold there more than normal and even snowed twice while I was there!!! A rare occasion indeed :)

But I escaped the 25″ of snow reported by neighbours and friends back home on the east coast! So I am thankful for that and so many... Read more

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