
Winter Wishes...

Posted by: Mazzy Blue Studios

Hand Knitted Gloves.It has been a long cold winter… thinking I could escape it, and for the most part I did, my going home to New Mexico for the month of December.  Though it did prove to be cold there more than normal and even snowed twice while I was there!!! A rare occasion indeed :)

But I escaped the 25″ of snow reported by neighbours and friends back home on the east coast! So I am thankful for that and so many other things like our neighbours shovelling out our driveway for us :)

I promise to write much more on my time in NM, but for now, I am playing catch up on goings on in the studio. Above is a photo of one of the commissioned knit pieces that I am working on for Amy….and I have a beautiful black pair I am working on for another client as well :) Sadly, these guys have taken a bit longer, as I have been swamped in the studio working on the new book “Furbily-Furld” and various projects. So I have been working on these gems whenever I can fit them in. They are inspired by Bella’s gloves in the movie Twilight :)  So I really want to get these babies finished up in time for my clients to enjoy them this winter!!!

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Now this is one of my latest projects. A while back I was accepted into the “Landfill Artist Reclamation Project”.

They sent me a pre-primed hubcap!!! It took some time for me to bring it to life…a definite challenge to work on a sloped surface and still make the illusion of a flat surface. All in all, I am very pleased with the way it came out.  It will be published in a coffee table style book and keep your fingers crossed…maybe even make it into the traveling show!!! Exciting…I really hope it travels, so that people all over will get to experience it first hand :)

I hope all of you had a peaceful holiday and I am wishing each and every one of you all the best in the year to come:)  Let’s make the best out of what this year brings us…whatever it may be!!!



  • Category:
  • All Things Crafts
  • Tags:
  • acrylic
  • Art
  • book
  • cold
  • Gloves
  • hubcap
  • mittens
  • Painting
  • projects
  • publish
  • Show
  • snow
  • surface
  • traveling
  • twilight
  • winter
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MazzyBlueStudios (aka Mazzy Blue Studios )
Manassas, VA, US

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