
Part 1 - Paying it Forward for Layla Grace Charity - #LaylaGrace

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Layla Grace smiling.

Layla Grace was a happy, healthy little girl ... always sweet as pie and a little cuddle monkey too. She was the inspiration for her mom, Shanna Marsh, who started a fun website called Baby Wears Prada.  Shanna befriended and supported the handmade and the design communities through her site, blogging and promoting all things cute and cuddly for babies.
Ten months ago Shanna and Ryan Marsh were delivered shocking and devastating news. Layla Grace had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Neuroblastoma,... stage 4 with a very poor prognosis.

Shanna has shared her family’s journey in touching and inspirational posts at LaylaGrace.org.
The New Year brought the discovery of new aggressively growing tumors in spite of all the debilitating treatments. The doctors narrowed Layla's life expectancy to 2 months at best. Layla’s little body fights pain with diminished strength and waning energy, but her spirit is still bright and loving. Shanna and Ryan’s faith and prayerfulness and the kind loving support of so many friends are their solace in the fading hours of Layla’s life.
It was early last year that Shanna befriended an online handmade seller RuffleButts and it was from this lady’s blog post yesterday that I learned that she and her husband were contributing $5000  (FaceBook.com/RuffleButts) to the FightForLayla Fund.
All the money in the world will not heal Layla, nor will it ease the anguish and heartbreaking sorrow for the Marsh family. But financial assistance will lift the costly burdens of travel, childcare for the other children, hospital meals,and the growing $100,000.00+ medical bill that insurance doesn’t cover. Shanna and Ryan need to be at Layla’s side, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
You and I will never meet the Marsh family, or even each other, but we are all now tied together, maybe more than if we lived on the same street. Friends are connecting with friends. Through prayer, you and I have been tapped on the shoulder by the story of Layla.
Although I may not have all the details of Layla exact, this is as it was sent to me today by Carmen of The Decorating Diva, LLC. Our hearts ache to do something. We have all thought, at least once in our lives, “But for the grace of God go I ”.  Here’s a chance to be grateful that it is not us living through this nightmare and Pay it Forwar. Carmen and I, along with iCraftGifts.com Admin and a number of other sellers are formulating a 3 part plan. We are hoping you will open up your hearts and help.

How You Can Help:
1) Go to Direct donation to Fighting for Layla Grace and make a donation of any amount that has the number 4 in it. I picked $44. After you have done that, leave a brief comment here, in this blog post, with words of encouragement for the Marsh Family. Tweet this post and encourage others to help. Comments will be entered for 3 giveaways for $100, $60 and $40 gift certificates to spend in PillowThrowDecor. Comments for giveaways will close March 13th.
2)  Please follow @payitFOURward on Twitter and use hashtag #LaylaGrace because we want to send  you a message for next week when we will be selling/auctioning off a collection of 10 very unique girly “Layla Pillows”. Here’s a sample pillow.
Pillow for charitable giving. That will be the second blog in this Pay It Forward for Layla Grace series. All followers of @payitFOURward will be entered into at least 3 home décor giveaways provided by Decorating Diva, which will be drawn March 15th.
3)  Starting next week in the third "Pay it Forward" blog we will be posting a list of all iCraft sellers that will be providing one or more items for sale with proceeds being donated to the Fighting for Layla Grace Fund. In fact, you can already replacement using “Layla Grace” keyword for items being donated by our sellers.
To keep things simple, you can purchase directly from the icraft seller and they will remit the funds as a donation through Paypal. We are going to do our best to mobilize as many sellers as quickly as possible for next Monday morning. Stay tuned for more details here in our blogs. Don’t forget to follow @payitFOURward.

Layla Grace hugging her mom.We hope that you can, for a moment, imagine standing in the shoes of Shanna and Ryan Marsh and give from the bottom of your hearts, anything that you can, financially, prayerfully and/or words of encouragement.
Cheers, Christine
Please send all cards, well wishes and donations to the Marsh family at:


If you would like to contribute online with a credit or debit card, you can do so via paypal here: http://tinyurl.com/kvee97
  • Category:
  • All Things Crafts
  • Tags:
  • Layla Grace
  • children
  • kids
  • Family
  • charity
  • gift
  • kids
  • donate
  • donations
  • Neuroblastoma
  • giveaway
  • pillows
  • pillowthrowdecor
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Mar 10, 2010 | Posted by:

Thank you for posting that Sara. So sad to hear to hear this. Praying for peace and healing for this family.

Mar 9, 2010 | SarahMars

Just learned that little Layla Grace has lost her battle to Neuroblastoma. Her parents posted on Twitter today "Layla went to play with the angels early this morning.... Rest in peace precious Layla." My thoughts are with Layla's parents now. I was following their blog and their Twitter account. They've suffered so much.

Mar 5, 2010 | Posted by: Stephanie Clark

I just created an online Scentsy Party to benefit Layla Grace. I will donate 100% of my commission to the family of Layla Grace. To help, go to www.ditchthewicks.com and DOUBLE CLICK on the link next to Layla Grace. I will keep the party open until March 20t...h. Again, 100% of my commission on this party will be donated to the family! Please help me spread the word!

Mar 5, 2010 | Posted by:

So glad to hear all the handmade sellers pitching in and helping the Marsh family out. It you know of any others donating proceeds get them to leave a comment here as I am still building my list Thanks ever so much everyone.

Mar 4, 2010 | Posted by: Ellia C. Naturals (Jennifer Williams)

Ellia C. Naturals in collaboration with Layla's mom, Shanna, is now offering a signature scent "Layla" on some of our most popular all natural bath & body products. 50% of each sale from The Layla Grace Collection goes directly to Layla's family to assist with their needs.

Please visit us at http://www.bullfrogsandbutterfliesbabyboutique.com/laylagrace.html. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at contactus@bullfrogsandbutterfliesbabyboutique.com.

Mar 3, 2010 | Posted by: Amanda

I am donating 100% of the proceeds made from every "Layla" dollie to Layla Grace!

Here is the link: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41701596

Mar 2, 2010 | Posted by: Melissa Jones

Little Diva Tutus is giving the family 50% ($15) for each Layla Grace tutu sold! We're over $1,500 in donations as of today (3-2-10)! We were written about by Shanna Marsh on the Layla Grace blog.
If you have any questions about ordering you can contact me directly at: melissa.j1@charter.net or admin@littledivatutus.com Please visit us at www.LittleDivaTutus.com.

Mar 2, 2010 | Posted by: Toni www.marketmommies.com

I have a list of auctions/sales to benefit Layla Grace on my website, www.marketmommies.com. I have 10 different sales so far and have added this one too : ))

Mar 1, 2010 | Posted by: Lesley

Praying For Layla!

I am hosting an AMAZING auction on my blog Friday 3/5 and Saturday 3/6. 17 Mompreneur companies donating over 27 amazing items. All Goes to Layla and her family!

Mar 1, 2010 | The Knitting Lady

I would also like to put my custom work as a giveaway. Here is a product that I will custom create for a person who wins it https://icraftgifts.com/product-12435.php I’ll even pay shipping charges. Thanks!

Mar 1, 2010 | SarahMars

It's a heart breaking story. Nice to see that so many people care.

Feb 27, 2010 | BoutiqueKarma

As a parent I can not imagine the daily anguish her parents are going through. My thoughts are with them.

I have donated this item, as many times as it sells:

Feb 26, 2010 | iCraft Admin

Hmm, sorry guys for the broken link. It's fixed now.

Feb 26, 2010 | Weezi

The link to my apron for Layla https://icraftgifts.com/product-19026.php
thanx so much in advance! :)

Feb 26, 2010 | Posted by:

Thanks for pointing that out JoAnn... I'll get that fixed... I guess everyone has been using the link at the very bottom... http://tinyurl.com/kvee97 so that is the one until I get the other fixed :)

Feb 26, 2010 | Posted by: JoAnn

The direct link for the donation in step #1 is not working, you may wish to correct. Thank you so much for this post. My prayers are with everyone, Layla's 2 beautiful sisters..........

Feb 26, 2010 | Posted by:

Thank you so much ladies. I have been contacted by a number of other sellers not from icraftgifts.com that are willing to contribute their sale proceeds from certain items. We will be building a list of all sellers with items and blogging about it so that we can promote it on our site and through the interior design community. If you know of others doing something where it is 100% donation or minus material costs and shipping (no profit) please encourage them to post on this blog. thanks so much everyone for your help for the Marsh family.
Cheers Christine

Feb 26, 2010 | Posted by: Autumn Davidson / AutumnArt

I am donating the proceeds from the sale of my art print titled, "Prayer Warrior." So many people are praying for sweet Layla Grace...


Feb 25, 2010 | Craft Boutique

Following your example, The Knitting Lady, I've tagged 2 products with "Layla Grace" - a lovely colourful scarf and a cool tank top for a teenage girl. All money I receive through those two sales will be given to LayLa Grace Fund. Thanks!

Feb 25, 2010 | The Knitting Lady

Yes, every little bit will help. I am going to donate money from the sales of some of my products too. Adding tags to those items right now. Please find and buy them in my store. Sending prayers to Layla and her family.

Feb 25, 2010 | Weezi

I am donating an apron..not much but every little bit will help! What is everyone else donating????

Feb 25, 2010 | Posted by: Michele Ohmer

Holdit headbands...http://holditheadbands.blogspot.com/2010/02/layla-grace.html will donate $3 from every headband sold to Layla Grace.

Feb 25, 2010 | Posted by: Lesley

I have a cushion for sale in my etsy store: Carpe Diem (sieze the day). I would love to offer it's full sale price to this charity. can you please avise me how to do that?
With thanks, Lesley :http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=39772054
You can contact me through my etsy shop if needed.

Feb 25, 2010 | iCraft Admin

It's great to see so many people opening up their hearts and are willing to help. Hopefully, collectively, we will be able to ease this family's pain, even for a little bit.

iCraftGifts.com has donated $300 to Layla's family today. Now we are asking all Creators on iCraft to contribute a portion of their sales to Layla Grace Fund https://icraftgifts.com/forum/index.php?topic=1165.msg6984#msg6984

Feb 24, 2010 | designsbydebra

I feel so bad for this poor little girl and her parents. I have made a donation via PayPal with the number 4 in it. I will be tweeting about it tonight too! Thanks for bringing LaylaGrace to our attention.

Feb 24, 2010 | Posted by: Stephanie Muzi

I would like to buy a pillow. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pillow shown above, and it would look great on my daughter's chair in her playroom! Please advise on how to order....muzi_s@bellsouth.net


Feb 24, 2010 | Craft Boutique

Poor little angel. It's hard to imagine what parents are going through right now - a total nightmare.

Feb 24, 2010 | mountaindreamers

Many prayers for Layla and her family , to be strong in this time. Love Mountaindreamers

Feb 24, 2010 | Posted by: Leslie Carothers

I'm so happy to see how the Twitter community is coming together to help this poor family. I have donated via PayPal and retweeted this blog and am just happy to help in whatever way I can.

Thanks for all you are doing-this is the best use of social media. It's amazing how many tiny amounts of anything add up to a very big amount of something when we all work together at it.

My prayers are with this family.


Feb 24, 2010 | Posted by:

Thanks so much for pitching in Middlesis. Please pass it on.... and yes you are right... it is an Amy Butler Print

Feb 24, 2010 | middlesis

Good for all of you joining together to help someone in need. If everyone does a little, it helps a lot. I will go online and contribute through PayPal.

I LOVE that pink pillow. I recognize it as an Amy Butler print and her fabrics are beautiful.

Thanks again for your efforts on this good cause.

Feb 24, 2010 | Posted by:

Denise... no problem Black and white coming up... no problem. Will be working on making these collector pieces on the weekend so I will take requests :)

Carmen... no problem ... pink one coming up!


Feb 24, 2010 | Posted by: Denise

Can you come up with something in black and white polka dot? Would really love to help this little princess!

Feb 24, 2010 | Posted by: Carmen @ The Decorating Diva LLC

Christine - this is so beautiful. Put me down for one of your gorgeous "Layla Pillows" - loving that pink one :)

Best, Carmen
