Decorating for Halloween Contest

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The Legs (10 of 10)

We have a lot of really scary Halloween decorations: tombstones with life-sized skeletons half buried in the lawn, hanging bats, a severed head, but the one that freaks the most people out is an old pair of jeans and sneakers! We stuffed the legs of some paint-drop spoiled jeans with newspaper and punches holes in the cuffs to tie the shoe laces through and attached old shoes that the soles were peeling off. Then we put the waist under the garage door. Most people miss it in their excitement to get to the candy at the door and then jump and squeal when they pass it on the way out. (We put it in the hood of the car once too to try and make it more visible but the garage door gets the best reaction!)
Submitted by: Fairy Cardmaker
Oct 3, 2012


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Oct 4, 2012 | Ahkriti

OMG! That is an O r i g i n a l and great idea for halloween! I can well imagine how the reactions are!

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