
To Trend or Not To Trend

Posted by: Lyra Pappin

Fashion is known for its fickle nature. New looks, accessories and “must haves” dominate each season and trickle down from runways to shopping malls to our closets. The urge to be stylish and have the most current look is hard to avoid. We are constantly facing a barrage of pretty faces and fun outfits on TV, magazines, and ads, which just feed the beauty beast!

Although little modifications are made constantly, generally some so-called trends seem to be sticking around longer than a season or two. This can be a great thing for your wallet, but maybe a not-so-great thing if the particular trends of the year aren’t exactly flattering to your body shape. Which leads to the important question: is it always fashionable to follow the trends?

Although it seems absolutely essential to the diehard fashionista to keep up with the most cutting edge look, the more seasoned style-savvy woman knows that the best way to dress is the one that flatters YOU, not just runway models and actors. Sure Misha Barton can look great in every shrinking baby doll dress created, but that doesn’t necessarily make it the best daytime look for someone less genetically blessed. The great news is that most trends can be adapted to suit your personal style and to flatter your fabulous figure.

It’s also important to keep in mind that it’s okay if this look doesn’t work for you, and, honestly, you might not even like it anyway! Don’t wear something that you aren’t attracted to; similar to hairstyles, just because something is the look du jour doesn’t automatically mean that it’s something you should hope to attain. You know the sales rack at the back of the store? It’s usually the best place to spot trends gone wrong – and every clothing store from H&M to French Connection has them. Higher end mistakes can be found in outlet malls, amidst the discounted treasures. Sometimes you can get a great deal on an item, but often, sales racks house the “WWTT” clothes (What Were They Thinking?!).

So, when you feel the urge to rush out and buy high-waisted pants or gypsy-type scarves and bandanas, take a moment to pause and consider whether it’s easier to imagine these clothes on your body or on a 50% discount rack next month.

Another key characteristic about trends is that there is never just ONE look. There are many pieces that are toted as “musts” and all you have to do is pick up a copy of InStyle and Vogue to see that there are endless options. If the super skinny jean looks great on those pages but not so hot on your nourished body, don’t force it. If a look doesn’t work for you, just accept it, and own it. Move on to another look that is more flattering. The empire waisted dresses and billowing shirts are complementary to almost all body shapes, for instance. Glam it up with some flashy heels and a heavy necklace and you are stylish and sexy, instead of an obvious fashion wannabe.

Seasonal trends are best dealt with by mixing up your current wardrobe with a new look that appeals to you. Items that you truly love, but still suspect to be a brief stay in the fashion world, are best picked up at stores like H&M or Top Shop, in the UK. It’s not a good idea to spend a ton of money on the latest “it” summer dress, when you are guaranteed that next summer’s “it” dress will be completely different. If you can afford to be extravagant with your clothes, there’s no problem being trendy – except maybe the urge to overdo it, which can be just as embarrassing as trying to squeeze into ensembles that were meant for the cast of Gossip Girl, not Ugly Betty.

When you get down to it, trends are temperamental, and often temporary. Being trendy isn’t the only way to be stylish or to look desirable and in the know. People who attract the most attention generally take a little bit from fashion magazines and a lot from their personalities. It’s always fun to feel well dressed and hip, but that’s generally not the vibe that you put out when you look like a clone from an ad. It’s best to mix it up and do what feels right for you. This way, you’ll look great and radiate confidence, which is something that never goes out of style.

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Lyra Pappin
Toronto, ON, Canada

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