
Sweet things to do on Valentine’s Day, Part Two

Posted by: Justine Benstead

Handcrafted Valentine heart in hand glass candle holderA few fun and easy ideas for making Valentine's Day 2012 the sweetest one yet!

Sweet things to do on Valentine’s Day, Part One, explored some fun and creative options to make Valentine’s Day unique and memorable this year. Read on for more tips on creating a night to remember for the “him” or “her” in your life:

Create a craft. This is iCraft, after all. Even if you don’t know how to knit or thread a necklace, you can come up with something creative, maybe inspired by the beautiful handcrafted stained glass, Valentine’s Day candle holder pictured to the right.

Make wearable art, or go a different route and write a song to play that night; print a photo of a special place or memory and frame it; create a video; make a Valentine’s Day “coupon” book full of fun IOUs; or draw or paint a keepsake card. Everyone appreciates a heartfelt gift, so take that cash you were saving for drugstore chocolates and start making a macaroni sculpture instead.

Ok, I was kidding about that last part; save it for summer camp. But speaking of kid’s activities,

Host domestic date night. Although it might seem unconventional and the opposite of romantic, you’re old enough now to appreciate not only your love for your significant other, but for your parents, as well. Invite them over for a family date night and delight them with a home-cooked meal.

Too far away, or too far-fetched? Extend the invitation to your kids. Explain to them that tonight is all about sharing the love. Enjoy a family night. Create love stories, poems, or other kid-friendly art, or have the whole family take part in cooking a fun feast. Make food or desserts heart-shaped and pink whenever possible. Use the love-themed red and pink coasters pictured below to create a fun centerpiece on your Valentine’s Day table.

"Love" Valentines coasters in red and pink heartsFor a last touch, have your kids write Valentine’s Day cards to you; a keepsake you can cherish forever.

Take family photos. Informal photo sessions are becoming more and more popular for just about every occasion. Many stay-at-home-moms or young hopefuls offer “mini-sessions” or portraits for much less than the cost of a studio, and often produce more professional-looking, creative results! Consider commemorating a significant age or event with a cute Valentine’s Day photo session.

Renew your nightlife. Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep; especially on Valentine’s Day, when you might want to retire early. Get some silk or satin sheets like the pillowcases pictured below and enjoy the feeling of hotel luxury at home. Trust me, it's worth the price. Dress up your bed like it’s fit for royalty, and enjoy Valentine’s Day romance every day.

Zebra black and white silk pillow caseSkip the sweets. Valentine’s Day comes along at the worst time of year – when most people are still trying to shed any holiday weight, real or imagined, that they might have put on. So a holiday centered on treats and chocolates doesn’t do anyone any favors! If you have a serious sweet tooth, try some healthier alternatives at home, but keep it in moderation. If you prefer to go the conventional route in gift-gifting, stick with flowers, instead.

Enjoy a night in. It might not be the most unconventional idea on the planet, but maybe classic is more your style. In that case, there’s no shame in spending some quiet time together. The catch? You have to do something different. If you have them, send the kids to a neighbor’s or family member’s house for a few hours.

Find something fun around the house that you always mean to do together but never get around to – play a board game or chess, read to each other, have a thoughtful conversation over a bottle of wine, and generally engage in spending time together. Use the handmade soy tea light candles pictured to set a relaxed mood. No TV allowed.Soy tealight candles sixpack

It can be simple to get stuck in a rut of day-to-day living, so skip the loud restaurant, get take-out instead, and prepare a quiet night in together, rekindling the romance that led you to be spending Valentine’s Day together in the first place.

Keep it low-key. Since Valentine’s Day is on a weekday, have fun but don’t try to send your significant other over the moon. Or do, but be happy if he or she is simply having a good time. Make it meaningful, keep it simple, and have a good time.

What was your most wonderful – or wackiest – Valentine’s Day to date? Would you do it over again? Share your stories in the comments section below.

Photo Credits:
Handcrafter Valentine Heart in Stained Glass Candle Holder by The Medieval Light Company
"Love" Valentine's Day Coasters by elizanne
Silk Pillow Case: Zebra by blinkkids
Soy Tealight Candles 6 Pack by Homespun Dazzle

  • Category:
  • Holidays & Occasions
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  • holidays
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  • valentines day
  • valentine's day
  • gifts for him
  • gifts for her
  • valentines day gifts
  • valentine's day ideas
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Feb 14, 2012 | SarahMars

Create a Craft... In theory that sounds great, but I wonder how many people actually make something for Valentine's Day or any other holiday. It's just so much easier to buy something.

Submitted by:

Justine Benstead
Tampa, FL, US

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