
Stop the Presses! Newspaper Nails in Six Easy Steps

Posted by: Justine Benstead

Everyone is online these days, it seems. Cursive print.. what's that? At least one modern beauty trend, though, is inspired by old-school communication. Here's a DIY tutorial that you don't want to miss.Newspaper nails DIY tutorial; how-to

Newspaper nails keep popping up on my Pinterest boards, so, always a sucker for cute nail-related ideas, I set out to try this one on for size. Time to take it back to typography!

It was so easy. I don't know about you, but I am not all that coordinated, so delicate nail patterns often don't work for me, but this newspaper nails process was a fairly painful one.Newspaper nails DIY tutorial: supplies

Here's what you'll need to make your own DIY newspaper nails in ten minutes or less:

Clear, base coat nail polish (optional)

Colored nail polish of your choice

Rubbing alcohol

Small container/lid

Newspaper sheet

Clear top coat nail polish


Nail polish remover

DIY Newspaper Nails

Step 1: Outline Your Story

Gather all items. Paint your nails with a clear base coat, to protect them. This step is optional; I’m slightly impatient and never do it. If you do take this step, allow nails to dry completely before continuing.

Step 2: Rough Draft

Paint nails selected color. I’ve seen a lot of light gray – inspired by the color of a newspaper, no doubt. My nails were already the slightly offensive lime green color pictured, so I went with that.

Allow nails to dry completely before continuing.newspaper nails DIY tutorial: newspaper strips supplies

Step 3: The Fine Print

Cut out at least ten small strips of newspaper, large enough to cover your entire nail. My newspaper strips were about an inch around.

Step 4: The Editing Process

Pour a tablespoon or two of rubbing alcohol into a small container. I used the nail polish remover bottle lid, because it was right there and the right size. Submerge one finger in the alcohol for about five seconds. Alternatively, submerge one newspaper strip in alcohol for about five seconds. Press the newspaper strip to your nail. Hold it firmly in place for about fifteen seconds. Slowly peel the newspaper strip back. The print will be impressed on your nail. Repeat the process until each nail is covered.newspaper nails DIY tutorial; how-to

Step 5: Final Proof

Paint each nail with the clear top coat. Allow nails to dry completely before continuing.

Step 6: Polish Your Copy

Dip the Q-tips in nail polish remover and gently clean up the cuticles and area surrounding the nails.

Go To Print!

Whether you plan to rock this look at a formal function or just showcase it around the office, you are going to get feedback. In one day, I've had an older gentleman tell me that my nails were "Very spring like...very cool," and had a younger woman ask me where I got my manicure done.

Between switching up bottom coat shades, choosing specific text, and playing with the different fonts you find throughout the newspaper, nails in print should give you something to write home about!

What do you think of this look? Would you try DIY newspaper nails? If you do, be sure to share your photo links and stories with us!

If you are looking for a video tutorial of DIY newspaper nails, check out the Tori Spelling website feature on the topic.

Photo Credits: Justine Bensteadnewspaper nails DIY tutorial; how-to

  • Category:
  • Tips, Tutorials & DIYs
  • Tags:
  • newspaper nails
  • DIY
  • beauty
  • tutorial
  • how-to
  • beauty trends
  • fashion tips
  • nail polish
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Justine Benstead
Tampa, FL, US

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