
Some Inspiration for you to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Posted by: Craft Boutique

Finally as a society we have recognized that we are consuming in non-sustainable way. It’s been too much for too long, but hopefully – it’s not too late to change habits and help our environment.

Looking back I realize what a tiny footprint my parents and grandparents have left on this planet! They reused and recycled everything they possible could.

My father was able to repaire any household item – from a broken chair to a fridge, TV or motorcycle. My mom used to darn socks, sew tea towels from stained table cloth, and knit scarves from old sweaters. I know, you’d say that necessity is a mother of invention. That’s right, but I’m not saying that only people that live in dire circumstances can be so resourceful. I think we all should be considered and resourceful, environmentally conscientious and adopt Reduce-Reuse-Recycle lifestyle. It's not only good for our invironment, it's good for us as a creative expression too. 

Here are a few creative ideas that I wanted to share with you – stuff made out of plastic bottles that looks like art.



Hope I inspired you a little bit to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Please jump aboard and share something that you do or plan to do, or something that you just find fascinating in this regard. 



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May 27, 2019 | Craft Boutique

Very powerful stats! I hope more people would get the message and change things around.

May 26, 2019 | iCraft Admin

Elena, you inspired me to share a video about consumerism in US and how bad it is. We all need to play a part in changing this situation. Here is the link again I agree - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle is the way of the future.

Submitted by:

Elena B (aka Craft Boutique )
Toronto, ON, Canada

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