
Please Britney, just say no!

Posted by: Lyra Pappin

It seems absolutely impossible, but apparently, Britney Spears plans to release a clothing line for Candie's.  Perhaps it will feature her patented invisible shoes.  Not to mention, her infamous invisible thongs. Yikes! Talk about toxic…

Would you wear cothes designed by Britney Spears?


Original story:
As Britney Spears launches her own fashion line, what makes all these celebrities think they can design clothes?
Though Britney is not the first celebrity to play at being a fashion designer, she highlights everything that is wrong with the concept. U.S. budget retailer Candies will be selling a collection inspired by the outfits worn on the singer's Circus tour - the one in which she wore top hats, leotards and ostrich boleros - from Thursday....  Read full story
  • Category:
  • iCraft Current
  • Tags:
  • Britney Spears
  • fashion
  • style
  • clothing designer
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Lyra Pappin
Toronto, ON, Canada

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