
Love doesn't Cost a Thing

Posted by: Craft Boutique

Bugs and Kisses handmade cards.Men often think that ladies expect red roses, fancy chocolates or expensive jewelry on Valentine's Day. I think that's because retailers plaster so many ads all over the place giving them this idea. In fact, I've heard from some men that they belive Valentine's Day was invented by store owners to ensure people spend some money after Christmas shopping is over.

Unfortunately, Valentine's Day come at a time when some are still paying off their bills from spending on Christmas gifts, so it's hard for some guys to find money for expensive gifts on yet another holiday.

The truth is we don't need expensive gifts. We'd be far more impressed with something a lot more simple, but thoughtful.

Personally, I appreciate little details in a gift.

I love gifts that remind me of a place where we spent the time together or the gifts with a hidden meaning. I think getting one rose with a handmade card attached to it is as valuable, as an expensive bouquet of roses. Especially if there is a handwritten message inside - something sweet, something that would tell me how much he values me in his life.

Anyway, I scanned iCraft for simple inexpensive handmade gifts that guys to give their sweethearts on Valentine's Day and still get them impressed. 

Handmade Cards around $5.00.

True Love Sweetheart - Handmade Card for Valentine's Day. Love - Handmade Card for Valentine's Day Paper Quilled Cat Love You Card - Pink Heartstrings

Here are few more great looking handmade cards from $3.50 to $5.00. I am a cat lover, so any gift with a cat, makes my heart melt. :)

 Sweet On You - Romantic Handmade Card "I Heart You" Card for Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day Cat Card - You're Purrfect!

Love these Appliqued Heart Coasters at $ 8.00 CAD.

Appliqued Heart Coasters

Here is some fun and inexpensive jewelry under $10.00


Red garnet plaid heart fabric applique hypoallergenic stud   Lovebirds Earringsunder $10.00, Valentine's Day Heart Pewter Handmade Brooch Brooch

Here is some wonderful jewelry under $20.00

Sweetheart Pink Charm Bracelet   Red heart earrings Swirl Heart necklace

This would be a great gift for a coffee lover, like me. In fact, we both would enjoy these cups on the morning of Valentine's Day.

 Sweet Treat Valentine Gift

But if he absolutely has to spend the money on your gift, this one would be my choice - Unconditional Love Green Glass Heart Choker at $55.00 CAD by Poetic Designs.

Unconditional Love Green Glass Heart Choker Necklace

Please tell me what you heart as a Valentine's Day gift. Did your guy always guessed it right? What did you think of my choices? 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


Photo Credits:
Big Hairy Bugs and Other Things
Harvest Moon
IDBCA Canada
Fairy Cardmaker
Poetic Designs

  • Category:
  • Holidays & Occasions
  • Tags:
  • Valentine's gift for her
  • valentine's day ideas
  • love
  • handmade gifts
  • heart
  • inexpensive gifts
Page Views: 3844


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Feb 6, 2011 | Fairy Cardmaker

Fabulous finds in this post! And so true!

Feb 6, 2011 | Ahkriti

Wonderful post! Thank you for sharing!

Feb 6, 2011 | PetiteTuques

Great post! You hit the nail on the head about bills, and still paying off Christmas debt. What I heart is a day off as a couple- it's easy to forget about ourselves when we take care of kids all day... Thanks for sharing ;)

Submitted by:

Elena B (aka Craft Boutique )
Toronto, ON, Canada

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