
Denmark's icy apartments

Posted by: Lyra Pappin

iceberghouseIt like's the old saying goes: when geography gives you ice, make iceberg apartments.

These things also reminded me of the '80s board game, 'Don't Wake the Dragon'. The architecture team really would've nailed this one if a giant purple dragon appeared occasionally. 

Original story:
JDS Architects | Iceberg Project
The Aarhus Harbour development provides a huge opportunity for Denmark’s second largest city to develop in a socially sustainable way by renovating its old, out-of-use container terminal. The area is meant to become a living city quarter, comprised of a multitude of cultural and social activities, a generous amount of workplaces, and of course, a highly mixed and diverse array of housing types. The Iceberg Project seeks to locate itself within the goals of the overall city development. ...  Read full story
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Lyra Pappin
Toronto, ON, Canada

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