
"Daffodil Bloom" Contest: Top Five Photos

Posted by: Justine Benstead

Daffodil Garden Door card by Fairy Cardmaker for Daffodil Blooms contest

Our recent "Daffodil Bloom" Contest was inspired by an important issue: The fight against cancer

Why Daffodils?

Daffodils have long been recognized as a beacon of hope for cancer patients; explains:

"Daffodil Days is one of the American Cancer Society's oldest and most beloved fundraising programs. As the first flower of spring, the daffodil represents hope and renewal. To the American Cancer Society, the daffodil symbolizes the hope we all share for a future where cancer no longer threatens those we love.

By sending bunches of daffodils to friends, family members, and people touched by cancer, you are sharing a message of hope and raising funds and awareness to help defeat cancer."

April is Canadian Cancer Society's Daffodil Month. Our contest to raise cancer awareness began on Daffodil Day, April 27th. The iCraft community was welcomed to share their stories and to submit photos of daffodils or daffodil jewlery or accessories to showcase in our contest.

Beautiful and heartfelt handcrafted and homemade images and artwork were the result. Without further ado, introducing our winner:

Daffodil Garden Door Card (pictured above)

Submitted by: Fairy Cardmaker

In a touching story, she writes:

  "This is my best representation of a daffodil. I know I'm missing a petal but it was the closest I had! This card is shaped like a garden door. The inner door is made of embossed felt for softness.

I nearly lost my mother to cancer in 1992. After emergency surgery, she survived 8 more years until the year 2000 when cancer finally claimed her. The night she died, my sister's then future mother-in-law suggested we stay the night in the hospital with her. She stayed to be our driver in the morning. A mother's intuition....

That same woman died of cancer when my sister was in her final trimester of her first pregnancy.

Now my own mother-in-law is battling breast cancer. She is halfway through her treatments and her postive, long-term outlook on life has been a blessing to her and us.

I don't want to lose another mom."

In honor of Fairy Cardmaker's winning submission, made a $100 donation to the Canadian Cancer Society in the name of her mother who lost her fight with cancer.

Our remaining Top 5 photos:

Fragrant Daffodil Field

Fragrant Daffodil Field by OhlalaBride for Daffodil Blooms contest

"Daffodils mean born again, honor, respect and passion. In China, this flower has a symbol of good luck and wealth. If this interest grew during the lunar myth he would give a fortune for its owner."

Submitted by: OhLaLaBride

So many ways to celebrate Daffodils

So many ways to celebrate daffodils photo by OhlalaBride for Daffodil Blooms photo contest

"The long awaited sunshine and warm weather is here, neighborhood kids celebrating Daffodil Month their own way! When I saw this picture I thouhgt it was in the true spirit of Daffodil Month."

Submitted by: OhLaLaBride

Solo White Daffodil

solo white daffodil by maple leaf for daffodil blooms contest

"Some gardeners think that all-white daffodils are the height of spring style. They look so pretty and pure – a great symbol for hope in the fight against cancer!
I worked with a girl Valery, who was my age and who lost her life to leukemia. It was so sad, as at first it looked like her treatment was working and we thought she was beating the cancer."

Submitted by: Maple Leaf

Yellow Daffodils

Yellow Daffodils by LisaGold for Daffodil Blooms contest

"You can see a sign of daffodils everywhere in the city right now. They are so bright and cheerful.
I wear my daffodil pin for my friend Lina, who lost her battle with cancer at a very young age."

Submitted by: LisaGold

Has your life or someone you love been touched by cancer? Please join us in spreading a little hope through daffodils during every Daffodil Day.

  • Category:
  • All Things Crafts
  • Tags:
  • daffodil bloom contest
  • Canadian Cancer Society
  • Daffodil month
  • Daffodil Day
  • cancer awareness
  • daffodil photos
  • daffodil jewelry
  • daffodil pictures
  • icraft contests
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Jun 6, 2012 | iCraft Admin

You are welcome! Yes, scary is the right word.

Jun 6, 2012 | Fairy Cardmaker

Thank-you again for your generous donation to the Canadian Cancer Society in memory of my mother and for all the other mothers out there facing this scary ailment.

Jun 2, 2012 | LisaGold

All photos are great and the real winner in all this is Canadian Cancer Society!

Submitted by:

Justine Benstead
Tampa, FL, US

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