iCraft Current

If you thought the Internet ran out of things to Photoshop, you're wrong. This site is happily cropping celebs' faces into military pictures, and it's kind of awesome. Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, President Obama and Jack Nicholson all appear, to name a few.

Salute! Read more
This is bringing the whole concept of being one with your art to a whole new level. It might be a stupid level.
Would you climb into something for art's sake? Read more
Everyone's looking to cut corners, which is usually a bad thing, but in this case, it could be pretty impressive.

This artist will somehow size you up and bring you to life (a second time?) in a matter of minutes. Do you buy it? Read more
You know how they say fashion is cyclical? This "modest swimwear" trend is one I hope sticks around. It's for the greater good! Read more
Does the style of guitar impact the type of music these guys made? You make the call.

(Side note: pretty disappointed no women are included! What's up with that?) Read more
Is this a chicken or the egg scenario? What really came first - the unmotivated worker or the open office? In my opinion, being happy at work is always the best motivator. Let us know what you think about this trend - does the office environment make you work more or less, or are there other factors at play? Read more
Dubbed the "Fashion therapist", Betty Halbreich will tell you what's really behind the decision to wear shoes that are way too tight, or sizes that just don't fit.

Cause when it comes down to it, Freud just doesn't know fashion. Read more
Cats, aka superstars of the internet, make everything better - including some of the world's most famous paintings.

Is there anything they can't do? Read more
Photoshop? How about PhotoFree? Groaning yet? Okay, sorry, but these are great design tools that can help punch up any images that need editing. And the best part is that they're free! But don't go nuts... too much photo editing is almost as bad as too much Botox! Read more
Spending a day at the amusement park is always fun, even if it's boxed up. Okay, maybe it's not as fun, but it's still pretty cool. And hey, at least there aren't any height requirements! Read more

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