Spring is in the Air Contest

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Springtime Lemon Marmalade Custard (6 of 26)

Spring reminds me of sun ripe, juicy strawberries that will be available for pick up as soon as the first week of June in Southern Quebec.

I though to present to you my idea of Spring is in the Air not in the optic of sight, but in the optic of taste. Here is a photo of a refreshing springtime custard with fresh berries and strawberry sauce. I will gladly share the recipe with anyone who will ask!
Submitted by: OhLaLaBride
May 2, 2012


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May 9, 2012 | OhLaLaBride

For the recipe please go to this page in my website: http://chefclandestin.webnode.com/recettes-/

May 7, 2012 | The Knitting Lady

Ohh, yes, looks tasty. Are you going to provide the recipe? I'm interested too! :)

May 2, 2012 | Maple Leaf

Striking photo! and looks like a very tasty desert. I'd love to get a recipe :)

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