
What Is The Best Hat For My Face Shape - Part 1

Posted by: Suburban Turban Headwear

Suburban Turban Headwear

User From USA


We thought it might be helpful to put together a more detailed guide on hat / headwear shapes and how they can be matched to your face shape.  This isn't an exact science and there are no hard and fast rules, so here is some guidance if you're new to wearing hats and unsure what to look for.  If you can define your overall face shape it should set you on the path to finding headwear that really suits you.  We’ll have you looking great in headwear in no time at all!  Part 1 covers Round and Heart shaped faces. Our headwear for hair loss advice also provides further information on the variety of hat styles and shapes available.


round face shape guide

Round Shaped Faces

Characterized by a face that is as wide as it is long, round faces are more symmetrical. Although hats work well on round faces, many women with round faces feel hats don't flatter them. Hat shape is particularly important for this group - round faces are crying out for something to counterbalance their symmetry.

Asymmetry can take the form of a newsboy hat, fedora, baseball caps, turbans with asymmetrical trims or crowns. Avoid round shapes like a circular beanie. Hats and turbans with structure and angular details are good choices. Headwear with high tapered crowns work well as do hats with straight brims worn at an angle.

Our Kimmy & Infinity headband sets work well for round faces as they add height on top of the head to offset the width - pictured here is the 2-tone version but the infinity bands are also available in solid colours.  Caps with tapered crowns and asymmetrical detail can also enhance a rounder face shape - Lana cap below)

turban hat for round face

cap styles for round face shapes

While turbans and scarves can work, it’s important that turbans have asymmetrical shaping to them, in order to avoid making your face look rounder.  Good examples would be Romilly and Katia - with a taller crown shape.

asymmetric turbans for round faces

The Callie turban with its high knot which can be positioned slightly off centre too.  This will make your face appear longer and less overly symmetrical.

Don't forget the importance of pattern - this can distract the eye away from face shape and defined head shape.  If you're still unsure whether your face shape is round, here are a few famous round faces for reference Emma Stone, and Renee Zellwegger.


face shape guide heart faces

Heart Shaped Faces

Heart shaped faces have a chin that comes to a point and a wider forehead. Often the cheekbones are prominent. If you have a heart-shaped face, you are in good company. Famous faces include Reese Witherspoon, Tina Fey, and Jennifer Aniston.

Those with heart shaped faces often find it easier to wear hats - most hat shapes look good on them.  Beanies, hats, turbans, scarves, and pretty much any other type of headwear works. Here are some style suggestions - the Genevieve cap with its fuller crown shape works well (see below).  A good Beanie shape can be seen here in our Bea style - close fitting to the head, but the bands wrapping around the hat soften the forehead line and defined head shape.

cap styles for heart shaped faces

beanie for heart shaped faces Bea - Beanie for heart shaped faces[/caption]

The only issue is some people with heart shaped faces feel that the shape of their face and cheekbones are a bit too angular or that their foreheads are a little too prominent. To soften angular faces, start off with a turban or a hat in a softer, fuller style.

Selina and Inga with their asymmetric trims off to one side are good options too.

hats for heart face shapes 

black Ava cocktail chemo hat

The drape of our satin Ava Turban adds a softening touch to our lovely model’s angular heart-shaped face. The gathered detail along the side helps to minimize the width of her forehead, much like the brim of a hat would.

Ordering the Right Headwear

Be sure to read on in Part 2 of our guide 'What is the best hat for my face shape? Square and Oval face shapes'.

Don’t forget, in addition to finding the right headwear for your face shape, it’s important to measure your head so that you order the right size. The right fit will make all the difference to your headwear too.  

If you aren’t sure what to order or if you have any questions, please call us at +44 (0)1306 640 123, Monday – Friday, 9:30-17:00 GMT.

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Jun 27, 2021 | Handmade by Erica

Love this!!!!

Submitted by:

Nicola Smetham (aka Suburban Turban Headwear )
Westcott, Surrey, UK

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