
Christmas Interview with Elena from Craft Boutique

Posted by: iCraft Admin

Christmas Interview with Elena Brakhnova from Craft Boutique.For me, Christmas is the most magical and beautiful time of the year, - says Elena Brakhnova, also known here on iCraft as Craft Boutique.

I am one of those people who start planning for Christmas and even start buying presents for my family months in advance.

Growing up in Russia, we didn't get many present at Christmas, well, New Year's actually. Even now, Christmas is not much celebrated in Russia, but New Years is celebrated similar to Christmas here with the Christmas tree and presents.

People didn't shop for presents as much when I was a kid. We'd get a lot of handmade presents at that time - mittens and socks from grandma, hand-knitted sweaters from mom and a lot of chocolate and tangerines in cute little packages from other family members.

Great memories!


Handmade decorations on the Christmas tree.

Christmas decorations ont he tree.Christmas is also the most hectic time of the year for me. I always plan to create the most incredible holiday decor, but despite all my efforts, I never seem to find the time to do everything I have planned. Unfortunately, this year is not different and I didn't really decorate my house the way I wanted.

The only thing I can show you guys that's nicely decorated this year is our Christmas tree.

What's special about it is that we decorate it with a lot of handmade ornaments, mostly angels. Well, most of the decorations are handmade.

My partner, Geoff, was collecting handmade angels, as his Christmas tree decorations, long before he met me. I loved the idea.

Now we always get Christmas Angels for Christmas and our tree holds a pretty good collection of handmade angels from different parts of the world.

Christmas angels on Christmas tree.

Hope your Christmas this year was as joyful, as mine. May the coming year bring you lots of happiness, success, new achievements and many wonderful moments.  Wishing you and everyone at iCraft Happy Holidays!

 - Elena

Here is a video collage of the interview.

  • Category:
  • In the Spotlight
  • Tags:
  • Christmas
  • Craft Boutique
  • Elena Brakhnova
  • christmas tree
  • christmas tree decorations
  • christmas angels
  • handmade Christmas decorations
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iCraft Admin
Toronto, ON, Canada

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