
Where do you hang your hat?

Posted by: Michelle Lynne Goodfellow

Michelle Lynne Goodfellow

User From USA


Most people don’t think twice about their options when it comes to clothing storage. Closets, chests of drawers and armoires have become staples in North American homes. But what if you live in a loft, or an older building with limited closet space? Or what if you just want to add an unconventional design twist to your rooms?

Why not consider repurposing untraditional objects and furniture to house your wardrobe?

I fell in love with industrial chic as a teenager, and with money from a summer job purchased a set of lockers and a steel wardrobe from an office supply store. The lockers still grace my living space, perfectly housing stacks of sweaters and t-shirts.
If hanging space is limited, consider a freestanding clothing rack or two. Splurge on some beautiful wooden or metal hangers, and turn your carefully-arranged clothes into the vivid focal point of your room.

One of my friends bought a few round clothing racks from Eaton’s went they went out of business several years ago. The racks now sit in the middle of her large walk-in closet, displaying her collection of colourful vintage frocks.

I keep my socks and underwear in an array of vintage wicker picnic baskets stored on beautiful open wooden shelving in my large bachelor apartment. Other baskets hold purses, hats, gloves and scarves. Beautiful photo boxes house jewelry.

Don’t forget that floor-to-ceiling shelves (or the tops of existing wardrobes or armoires) can maximize your vertical storage space – ideal if your square-footage is small.

Busy closet.Some points to consider when storing your clothing:

1. Closed containers will help keep dust off your things.
2. Look for containers or furniture that allow air circulation and moisture ventilation. Air-tight plastic is a poor choice.
3. Keep delicate or vintage fabrics from overexposure to sunlight, and line unfinished wood or wicker with acid-free fabric to preserve your special things.
4. Clean vintage or repurposed furniture and containers thoroughly, to avoid soiling or infesting your clothing.

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Michelle Lynne Goodfellow
London, ON, Canada

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