
Toronto Christmas 2011

Posted by: Maple Leaf

Every year around Christmas I pickup my camera and walk around the city trying to capture some nice holiday and winter shots. Unfortunately, this year we have no snow in Toronto and it doesn't look very Christmasy outside right now.

Actually, it was so warm this December that my plants on the balcony didn't freeze and I still see flowers when I look through my balcony door. :) That's not the Toronto winter that I remember when I first moved here.

Anyway, the only place where I managed to take a few decent holiday shots are at the Eaton Center downtown.

Toronto's Eaton Center Xmas Tree, Christmas 2011

The tree sparkles a lot because of the Swarovski Crystal decorations placed on it. It's decorated differently every year and every year it looks truly spectacular, and always draws tons of people with cameras. :)  See my photos of the same Eaton Christmas tree from the last year.

If you are ever in Toronto during Christmas, I recommend you visit Eaton Center and check out the Christmas tree for yourself, as pictures don't really give it justice.


Reindeer at the Eaton Center, Toronto Christmas 2011.

The mall looks empty on the photos because photos were taken early in the morning before people came to work. Normally, you can't even get closer to a tree because it's surrounded by a crowd.

Actually, walking through the mall today and fighting the crowd, you'd never think there is a recession. It was shopping as usual, with people holding multiple bags and long line ups at the checkout. Maybe things are not as bad as we think or maybe we take Christmas shopping way too seriously. :) What do you think? How's holiday shopping in your area this year?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!

Reindeer at Toronto Eaton Center, Christmas decorations 2011.

  • Category:
  • Holidays & Occasions
  • Tags:
  • Christmas
  • Christmas photos
  • Eaton center
  • Toronto
  • christmas decor
  • Christmas tree
  • Reindeers
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Maple Leaf
Toronto, ON, Canada

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