
My Christmas Shopping List

Posted by: Maple Leaf

This year I did half of my Christmas shopping online and half offline.

I needed to buy something for my mom, my brother, my cousin and her boyfriend and for my cousin’s daughter and her husband, plus a couple of girlfriends. Luckily, all grownups, though I think shopping for kids would be a lot of fun too.

I spent exactly one evening ordering things online and about 4 full days shopping at different malls in the city. Actually, shopping is not the right word. It was more like fighting the crowd. Despite the talk about recession, malls were as busy as they could be, and the line ups at the change rooms and at the cashier seemed to be the longest I’ve ever seen.

Swarovsky Christmas Tree at Eaton Center, Toronto.

I have to say, the only thing I enjoyed at the mall is the Christmas decorations. I took some pictures at the Yorkdale Mall and some at the Eaton Center in downtown Toronto.

Christmas Decorations, Toronto.
Ordering online, by far, was the easiest and stress-free experience for me.  I’ve ordered iPod touch for my brother, as well as GPS for my cousin from future shop site and some clothing for my mom at Sears.

Store Christmas Decorations, Yorkdale Mall, Toronto.

I even ordered a huge 46” TV for myself at BestBuy at 4:00 in the morning. Online shopping is great for spontaneous purchases. :)

I’ve also ordered a number of products from iCraft – delicious handmade Raspberry Bath & Body Salt Soap (it seriously looks eatable) and a few others from Carvel Country Soapworks (everybody loved a bar of soap I've included in a bag. That was a good choice), amazing sterling silver earrings from Sea Glass Designs (love her style! my cousin was thrilled too), another pair of earrings and a necklace for my other cousin from CnK Designs (beautiful work, great quality, truly one-of-a kind!). I bought from both designers before and I will buy from them again.  
Sun Ripened Raspberry Bath & Body Salt Bar Cool Mango Melon Goat Milk Soap.
Nautilus hammered sterling silver earrings. Handmade Peaceful Heart earrings.
So what was on your Christmas shopping list this year? Have you done most of your Christmas shopping online or offline? 
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Jan 9, 2010 | Craft Boutique

So true, online shopping has became a life saver for me too. Fast, convenient and impulsive shopping - works for most women, I think. :)

Jan 7, 2010 | Maple Leaf

Thanks! I guess it pays to have a good camera. :)

Jan 6, 2010 | Fairy Cardmaker

Wow, you got some EXCELLENT shots of the decorations! Magazine ad worthy, I say!

Submitted by:

Maple Leaf
Toronto, ON, Canada

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