
Take Your Online Marketing Up a Notch with Product Photo Videos!

Posted by: GalleriaLinda

To take your online marketing up a notch, you can easily create product videos and post them in strategic places. They are fun to make and fun to watch!

First, take good, clear photos of your product - take quite a few of each product so you have different angles to show.

Then find a photo video application. There are all kinds of video sharing and photo slide show utilities online for small businesses to use for their marketing. One interesting online video utility I recently found is Animoto. With Animoto, you can add music and animation to your photos.

With photos, you can produce a 30-second video for free! When you become proficient at your video productions, you may want to make a full, unlimited video for a small fee.

I uploaded basic jewelry product photos just to see what the free plan would do. After doing this test video, I am now ready to figure out how to make it engaging. Some thoughts are to make it a full "story," starting maybe with a photo or two of your location and photos of you working on your craft that are intermixed with the product photos. Title pages are good too.

There are easy ways to share your free video with MySpace, Facebook, and twitter, as well as upload to YouTube. Of course, post your links in your shops and even in your listing!

Check out the GalleriaLinda Handcrafted Jewelery 30-second test video below.

Remember, it has music that will start up and it is just a quick try. I see good potential and a great start to making this a useful marketing tool!

Photo Story 3
Another one to try is PhotoStory3. It is a totally free program that you download to your computer and is very easy to use. There is a version for Windows and for Mac.

There are many others but I found that these were the best so far. When you make your own video, post the link on the forum in this thread, so we can all see!

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Apr 12, 2010 | Posted by:

Thanks so much for sharing these two sources! I loved your mini video and you take beautiful pictures! This definitely looks like some easy to do and will give it a try. Cheers Christine

Apr 11, 2010 | wabibrookstudio

I didn't know that this would be so easy to do! Thanks for the tip!

Submitted by:

Linda Harrell (aka GalleriaLinda )
Lakeland, FL, US

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