
Keep Yourself Inspired

Posted by: Felicia

While crafting is not my profession, it is something I have come to love for many reasons.

For starters, I grew up with a mother who was always sewing, crafting and creating.  She really could have done it for a profession and has been paid on a few occasions, but she does it for fun and for loved ones.  I also love the satisfaction it brings to know that you created something all yourself with your very own two hands.  Probably the most important reason I craft is to build memories with my children and create family time together.

fall leaves

With that said, do you ever find yourself in a crafting rut?  I would imagine that if crafting was my profession that could be an issue.  I find myself there on a few occasions and have to remember the reasons why I am creating. Finding those key things that inspire me help put me back on the right track.

Step Outside

Sometimes just stepping outside and taking a look around at all of the colors is enough to get my mind flowing.  Fall is probably my most productive season when it comes to creating and baking.  Every fall my wish is to be a full time stay at home mom who paints, cooks, bakes, sews and sings songs with her kids all day!  Really, if you are feeling down, just step outdoors for a few minutes.  It can do wonders for the soul.

Take a Break

It is true that when you are stressed or tired you do not perform as well.  I believe the same goes for creativity.  It is hard to be creative when your body does not have what it needs.  I have often found that if I allow myself to take a break, whether it be a nap or just some time alone, the ideas start to flow more freely.  Life can get busy and loud!  Find a quiet place.

Hang With Loved Ones

These days, most of my inspiration comes from my children.  They are creative by nature and they have such wonderful imaginations.  My five year old has even helped me find better ways to do things when we are making crafts.  Maybe you do not have children, but a loved one could help provide that inspiration for you.  Is there a need?  Is there something your loved one would like?  Just by taking time out to spend with others can feel a few needs at once.  You are building relationships and being inspired!

So, what do you do to keep yourself inspired in the ruts?

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Oct 26, 2012 | Delightful Suds

Ah stepping outside does do wonders! For me, it also helps to go out there and talk to others in the same field to see how they're coming up with creative ideas.

Oct 25, 2012 | Red Rock Designs

Jewelry is my hobby, but I like to keep my stock varied, some chainmaille jewelry, beaded, hand-stitched pieces. If I find I'm in a rut with one medium, I can play around in another. Also travelling helps...seeing other jewelry designs & mediums used by other countries and cultures, or even a different region in your own country can really bring waves of inspiration!

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Fletcher, NC, US

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