
Hobby or Work? That is the question

Posted by: The Crafters Booth

Do I love my hobby? Most definitely.

I have a great sense of fulfillment and pride when I finish a project. I easily get inspired to make something new. I admit it, I am a crochet junkie. I can't put my crochet hook down. I've been known in my entourage as 'Hatty Nady' for a while now.

My 'hatty' days began many moons ago!


The girls in the family know to come to me when they need a funky hat for Fall or Spring. I've stocked the cottage with numerous crochet blankets. And my son criticizes me for preferring to crochet than to watch Hugh Jackman's latest flic. And that's saying a lot. I really love Hugh Jackman.

I recently kicked my son's toys out of the playroom (he's getting too old for them anyway) and transformed it into my little workshop. Before I reclaimed this space, my craft supplies (paper products, fabric, paints, ribbons, candlemaking items, and what have you) were scattered around the house, basically, wherever I had the space to stuff a box. So, when I converted the play room, I had 'my' own space to breathe and create!

However, it is slowly being invaded by my crochet supplies. My basket of finished projects is overflowing and it didn't take long for my shelves to suddenly be overstocked with all types of yarn. I don't know what to do with it all. I am quickly running out of room.

My table of ongoing projects.

Some of my other crafting supplies have already been displaced by my yarn. The yarn department at the store is not safe from my prowling eyes. Especially, if there is a sale.

There are granny squares in this stash's future


Naturally, people around me suggested I start selling. "To pay for the yarn at the very least," they would say. Selling to family and friends only gets you so far. And I can't afford to keep giving everything away as I have in the past, and let's face it, will continue to do.

Craft shows, flea markets and such, are great, but for working moms and busy families, the work involved in setting up your booth, the travel time to and from the sites, take away from the hobby, not to mention time away from other family engagements. Would my son prefer spending a weekend with me at the craft fair trying to sell my wares, or would he prefer to go to his soccer match or spend time with his friends at the cottage? Would my husband, after a long week at work, want to truck along tables, chairs, and my inventory and help with the set-up of my booth every weekend? I don't know about you, but for me the answer was obvious.

My stock of finished projects

Talking with the others around me who were faced with similar questions brought similar conclusions. While I work from home, it may be easier for me to take the time in my weekly schedule to make product and organize my next selling weekend. But others aren't always so lucky. Some of them do have full-time jobs outside of the home, and the weekends are for family, and if they're lucky, they're able to find the time for their 'other' love.

They love what they do and have pride in what they make, and why can't they also benefit from selling some of their dolls, hats, or jewelry? And that is why we got together to open The Crafters Booth. We decided to unite our efforts to make a go of this online enterprise, while keeping in mind that while an online shop can't always replace the physical presence or warmth that may be found at the village Christmas Fair, it provides another type of presence, this one 24 hours a day.

Hobby or work?

That was the question I asked myself. The word 'hobby' brings to mind something we do that we love, something that seemingly fulfills us, something that may bring many benefits, spiritual and personal, but not always financial.

'Work' is something we must do, but not always love, something that is required. For some lucky ones out there (like my husband, god bless him), their work is fulfilling enough to provide everything they need; money and a sense of accomplishment. But for the rest of us, work is something we do to pay the bills while we dream of the next hat we want to create.

Is it possible to join the two? That is the question those of us at The Crafters Booth are willing to try and find the answer to. Life is short, but until the end, I know that I'll still be crocheting, unless I am able to put the hook down just long enough to see Hugh Jackman on the screen. Then I'll pick it up again.

Some of my finished projects

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May 18, 2014 | Craft Boutique

I think craftres is a unique group that will always do their craft for passion and not for money. Money is a bonus and it will never change how they feel about their creations. If you spend a lot of time and thought making something, a sale of that item will never turn into "emotionless financial exchange" for you.

May 18, 2014 | Maple Leaf

I just read an article related to this conversation - For Money or Love?
The author says that the effect of monetary incentives on people’s behavior is tricky to predict and can often be counter-productive. Financial rewards transfer challenges that would have been pursued for passion or creativity’s sake into emotionless financial exchanges.

May 17, 2014 | The Crafters Booth

You are so right! I'll keep doing it even if there is NO money in it, just for the pure enjoyment of it. I asked Doudou Danielle, the other member of our shop, the same question "Would she stop making her little dolls if she couldn't sell?" She replied an emphatic 'NO'. Coming up with new ideas and challenges is what fuels all of us, I think.

May 16, 2014 | SarahMars

Great post! Thanks for sharing.
I think when you love something so much, like you love crocheting, then you'll do it even when there is not much money in it.

Submitted by:

Hatty Nady for The Crafters Booth (aka The Crafters Booth )
Laval, QC, Canada

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