
Help in Tough Times - FREE Accounts for Those in Need

Posted by: iCraft Admin

We are living in unprecedented and stressful times, and the worst thing is that this situation doesn’t have a definite end – this is not business as usual! So if you are having hard times right now, you are not alone. 

You are also a part of our iCraft community and we were wondering how we could support our community members more during these tough times.

If you are worried about the impact of the current COVID pandemic on your finances and can't afford our fees, please get in touch with us. We will wave all our fees for struggling members for as long as needed. No questions asked.

We will also give away FREE accounts to new members, who are struggling financially, but could benefit from selling online, especially if iCraft members referred them to us. We would just ask new members, that got their registration fees waved, to provide us with some kind of identity verification documents and to answer a few of our questions. Please share this information with your crafting friends.

Also, let us know how you are doing and how else we could make your life easier. We are in this together.

Stay Safe!

~ Your iCraft Team

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Jul 19, 2020 | SarahMars

Thanks for offering some help! Many families are affected by job loses and struggling financially. I just read article about how bad things are in US with coronavirus and the economic situation." People in US will need all the help they can get. America’s in free fall. It’s having a public health crisis, an economic crisis, a social implosion, and a political implosion all at once." So sad! https://eand.co/americas-coronapocalypse-3a518d4d77b4

Submitted by:

iCraft Admin
Toronto, ON, Canada

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