
Entertaining the inner child

Posted by: dragonkaty

So much of our mainstream culture comes from the entertainment sector, and there is no bigger entertainment related forum than Comic-Con.

Held towards the end of every July, it’s not just a convention – it’s a phenomenon. Begun in 1970, this San Diego-based comic fan convention has become THE place to showcase films, television shows, games, books, cartoons, collectibles, and comics. In 2010, more than 130,000 people attended the event!

Many of the items which our talented iCraft artists create are inspired by entertainment. Take a look through their offerings; you’re sure to find something that will speak to the inner child of the person you are getting a gift for.

Comics, cartoons and cultural icons

Captain America pendant Toy Story notbook Minnie Mouse pillow case dress
Captain America has been thrilling comic book fans for decades, and a motion picture will be released shortly. More comic hero pendants at Adornable Accessories Carry this upcycled notebook around, then watch how many people come and tell you that they are Toy Story fans too. Other notebooks at Moments by Mela Girlfriend of the most famous mouse of all time, this charming Minnie Mouse dress will delight your favourite girl. Other cute dress at La Bella Couture

 It’s all about the Twilight saga…

'Twilight' fingerless mittens Team Jacob earrings Cuff bracelet
Bella may have hot vampires and werewolves fighting over her, but she needed mittens to deal with her chilly hometown. These charming Team Jacob earrings will let everyone know where your heart lies. Not into wolves? This artist has Team Edward earrings too Inspired by the ongoing Twilight series, this sterling silver and turquoise bracelet is the perfect gift for a Bella wannabe.

Pirates of the iCraft-ean

Skull and crossbones beanie hat Fairy card Inspiration treasure box
This cute skull and crossbones hat will look great on a wee pirate baby who will steal your heart This fairy reminds me of Tinkerbelle, who is often pursued by the pirate Captain Hook because she was loyal to Peter Pan. Argh, matey! This handmade treasure chest can be filled with golden secrets, gems of memory and other precious items.


Final Fantasy Cactaur Hat Pins Eco Chich pillow
Know a gamer? Someone into anime, Final Fantasy or cosplay? This hat is the perfect gift! Celebrate the dynamic duo – the nerdy husband and craft wife This pillow made with recycled items looks like a geeky face with wacky dreadlocks. Cool!
  • Category:
  • Just for Fun
  • Great Finds
  • Tags:
  • pendant necklace
  • notebook
  • pillowcase dress
  • vampire
  • comic character
  • cartoon
  • hats
  • pillow
  • beanie hat
  • Comic-Con
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