
Cute as a Button

Posted by: Maple Leaf


I stumbled upon a round up of beautiful buttons, magnets and keychains in CreativeXpress­ion's store today. I wasn't really looking for anything specific, but just thought they could be an awesome and inexpensive gift that you could carry with you just in case - if your friend or co-worker had a bad day or a special occasion that you didn't know about, wouldn't it be great to give them something cheerful like this "happy" flowers magnet?

Or what about these humorous magnets? 
I know a few people who'd appreciate this humor. :)

Looks like you can even order custom buttons with your own design or photo.
That would be great for kids birthday party loot bags or for guests for anniversaries and other special

Happy Shopping!

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Mar 12, 2019 | Nicole Gibson

Love these buttons, so cute!!

Mar 5, 2019 | LisaGold

I think it's a good idea to have small "just in case" gifts ready at your desk or in your purse. My niece always goes through my purse looking for candies :) So I always carry small gifts for her.

Submitted by:

Maple Leaf
Toronto, ON, Canada

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