
Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little baby face…

Posted by: dragonkaty

"Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little baby face…" ~ Baby Face by Brenda Lee

Look around. See if you notice the same thing that many of my friends have. Do you see them? Those tiny bundles of joy that seem to be everywhere? According to statistics, more North American babies are born in the summer and early fall – June, July, August, and September – than any other time of year. So if you know someone who is pregnant and about to give birth soon, or who has just given birth to the most adorable little one you have ever seen, you are not alone.

Finding the right gift for the new or impending baby, and for the prospective mother is often a difficult task. Now, we know that what the mother will need more than anything is a full night’s sleep, but a handmade card, cute outfit, accessory, or cuddly toy for the little one will also go over well.

Outfitting the little one

Pretty in pink, blue, or any colour of the rainbow. So many beautiful, handmade items to keep baby warm, cozy and stylin' no matter what the weather. 

Adjustable headband

Multi-coloured baby hand knitted jacket

Sweet toddler booties with flowers
Pretty as a flower! This hand made headband has a button so it can be adjusted to fit the baby's growing head. $11.99 CAD Hand-knitted jacket that will keep the little one warm and comfortable. Purchase alone or with a matching pair of pants. $45.00 CAD Sweet little slippers, which will stretch as your baby grows. They will keep your little ones feet warm and cozy. $12.50 CAD
Sleep sack Sock monkey onesie Long sleeve bib
This sleep sack is perfect for baby. It has a long zipper that makes diaper changes and dressing easy, and little tabs for baby to play with. $39.50 CAD Everyone loves a sock monkey! This soft cotton onesie is perfect for a newborn or older baby. $12.00 USD This long-sleeve bib is made of 100% cotton with a waterproof lining. No matter how messy your child is it can take it! $20.00 CAD

Wonderful baby accessories

Name banner Calming baby powder and baby bath set Clothing dividers
Decorate the baby's nursery with this gorgeous handmade name banner. Perfect as a birth or baptism gift. £39.00 All natural baby powder and bath product. For delicate baby skin, with goodness of oatmeal, milk and calming scent. $20.00 CAD

These handy dividers make it simple to organize the little one's clothes by size as they grow. And they will grow... $13.50 CAD

Cute, handmade cards

A baby is home made, so celebrate its arrival with a charming card that is home made too.

Adorable handmade card for the new lil monkey. This seller also has a 'baby boy' version. $4.95 CAD

New baby? Prepare for the extra laundry. Oh, this card celebrates cute baby outfits? My bad. $4.25 CAD

This angelic teddy bear is eager to greet the arrival of the sweet baby. $5.50 CAD

Toys and blankies for the little one to cuddle up with

Baby bearlings Baby blankets Baby toy, great for teething Pillow set

This handmade bear comes with its own adoption certificate. A new baby for your new baby. $25.00 CAD

These soft fleece blankets can be personalized with a name, birthdate or image. $35.00 CAD

Babies will grab this bunny's ears and body knots, while a teething child can chew on the knots. $10.00 CAD You are my sunshine... These throw pillows are soft and cuddly. Great for a baby's room or playroom. $16.00 USD

Gifts for the new mother

She's been carrying the baby around for nine months - its important to celebrate all she has done, and will do.

Mother's ring Birthstone pendant Peapod necklace
With this ring you choose the birthstone, add a name and birth date (or personal inscription). Room for 2 children or mother and child. $145.00 USD

This sterling silver pendant is made to order with swarvoski crystals to represent the family tree. A perfect gift for the new mother. $75.00 USD

Freshwater pearls are woven into a cocoon creating a peapod. The pearls represent children, so order with the number you need. $55.00 USD
  • Category:
  • Kids & Family
  • Tags:
  • handmade baby gifts
  • baby card
  • baby headband
  • Booties
  • toys
  • blankets
  • baby
  • jacket
  • Sleep Sack
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