
Animal Knit Hats

Posted by: HandcraftedAffairs

Seems like now that the weather is cold, everywhere I look I see cute animal knit hats!  

I see them on babies, kids and adults--although I have to say, the baby and kids hats are way cuter!  I went through a knitting phase a few years ago, but never quite graduated from scarves, so I found an online tutorial to bone up on my knitting skills so that I can attempt one of these absolutely adorable animal knit hats!Newborn knit monkey hat

Just in case I don't get around to knitting my own, I found several fantastic options right here on iCraft!

This organic cotton olive green monkey hat for a newborn is beyond cute.  This seller offers the option to completely customize hats, so I can always dream up what I want and have someone else make it -- probably a lot better than I would with my rudimentary knitting skills :-)




Baby knit beanie hat

This little knit beanie featuring an aqua blue owl applique is another adorable option.  I definitely feel like this is something I might actually be able to attempt, since just the beanie itself is knitted and the applique is added on as an embelishment.  
However, the one time that I tried to use my circular knitting needles, it was a giant failure and I went back to making scarves!




The two knit hats below from seller AngryChickenKnits can be made to fit anyone!  They are just so fun, it makes me want to go somewhere cold so I have an excuse to wear one!  Living in Las Vegas doesn't normally require cold weather gear, but these knit hats keep you warm and make a statement :-)

Kid's owl knit hat Green frog knit hat

In the event that I do motivate to re-teach myself how to knit, I came across this site called knitting pattern central that seems to have pattern for any kind of knit cap (or knit anything!) that you could ever want.  There are loads of options for knit hats for children and adults.  

Just browsing through gave me tons of ideas, although chances are I will just order one for my nephew through iCraft!  I have a feeling a professionally made hat will look and feel a lot better than one I would knit myself, although seeing all the patterns available does inspire me to try!

Looking at all this warm, soft, comfy knitwear makes me want to snuggle up in front of a fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate!  The last couple years we have actually gotten snow in Las Vegas, so perhaps I better bone up on my knitting skills...or better yet, start ordering knit hats from talented artists on iCraft :-)

Are you ready for the winter?

  • Category:
  • All Things Crafts
  • Tags:
  • animal knit hats
  • knitting
  • knitted hats
  • knit patterns
  • beanies
  • baby hats
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