
5 Ways that iCraft could have helped Charlie Sheen

Posted by: dragonkaty

Charlie SheenIn the last few months Charlie Sheen's fortunes have taken a dramatic turn, and while the jury is still out about whether this turn will be for the better or the worse, it has resulted in him being fired from his hit show Two and a Half Men, his acting out in strange and peculiar ways, and him becoming the brunt of many comedians` jokes.

If only he had been shopping on iCraft. Here are five ways, we could have helped:

1. Charlie’s recent troubles started when his hard partying ways got out of hand and he decided to enter rehab, putting production of the show Two and a Half Men in jeopardy. If Charlie had turned to this Charcoal and Tea Tree Oil soap instead things may have gone better. Containing active charcoal, its detoxifying effect could have helped him recover from his intoxication, while the antiviral properties of the tea tree oil would have cleared up any other ‘things’ he may have picked up during his adventures. Yes, it certainly could have helped him clean up his act. 

Charcoal and Tea Tree Oil soap

2. Charlie has been quite vocal about the “Tiger’s Blood” that flows in his veins, but he would have been better off sticking with Tiger’s Eye, like what is found in this bracelet. Tiger’s Eye stones are said to promote clear thinking and insight, bringing good luck and granting protection from the ‘Evil Eye.’ Also, Charlie thought having Tiger’s Blood would make him strong, when we all know that ‘it’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight, risin' up to the challenge of our rival…” *

 Tiger's eye bracelet

3. Charlie called Two and a Half Men co-star Jon Cryer a ‘troll’ because he hadn’t contacted Charlie after he was fired, to lend him his support. Even a two and a half year old knows that name-calling isn’t nice. If someone is upsetting you it is best if you just tell them to leave you alone – much like this helpful button does.

 Evil troll button

4. When Charlie was fired by the producers of Two and a Half Men, he opened a Twitter account and started tweeting his views on the firing - and everything else that occurred to him. It wouldn’t have been as instantaneous as Twitter, but if Charlie had chosen instead to sit down and carefully pen his thoughts on this handmade card before sending it out, the results would have been more personal, and personable. And people would still be able to say that a little bird told them…

  Bird card, handmade.

5. Charlie claims that he is ‘winning’, but really how can he prove it? Perhaps if he had this golden laurel bracelet it would be believable. After all, the golden laurel is a symbol of great achievement...

Gold laurel bracelet

*Thanks to Survivor for penning the 80s rock anthem “Eye of the Tiger”

Charlie Sheen image credit: WireImage

  • Category:
  • Just for Fun
  • Tags:
  • pop culture
  • soap
  • bracelet
  • tigers eye
  • button
  • card
  • Charlie Sheen
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