
5 Simple but Fun Fall Activities for Kids

Posted by: Felicia

We live in Western North Carolina where the weather can change by the minute.  Luckily, we are experiencing some of the best weather for being outdoors right now.  We are in that fun space where you can get away with short sleeves and blue jeans and be ok playing all day without getting chilly or hot.  So, we have been taking advantage of the simple pleasures all around us and making fun memories with the kids.  

Here are our top 5 ideas for fun fall activities that won't break the bank and will get your kids moving!

fall activities for kids

Skipping Rocks

I can remember my own father teaching me this skill when I was about five years old.  How fun it was to head to the river, find the perfect flat rock and send it skipping downstream.  We recently set out on a short driving adventure that lead us to a campground.  We stopped for a quick lunch and then headed to the river.  The boys could have stayed all day taking in the breeze, watching the wildlife and learning to skip rocks.

skipping rocks

Corn Mazes and Children's Mazes

All around us are the reminders that Fall is finally here!  One of those reminders are the abundant fall festivals taking place just about every weekend.  One thing we try to do every year is find a corn maze or children's maze to take advantage of.  Corn mazes can be a great way to get the entire family involved in a mission to reach the end.  Last year we chose one that was based upon finding pirate treasure.  The important thing to remember is to do a little rereplacement before going to make sure your child will be age appropriate and that there are no scary surprises.

children's maze

Pumpkin Picking

This is a tradition I started the year my oldest son was born (he is  now 5).  We like to find a local pumpkin patch, wear our overalls, and bring a good camera.  Not only do we find the perfect pumpkin, but we generally end up with a pretty great family picture.  I let both boys pick out a smaller pumpkin to paint and we choose one large pumpkin for carving.  I love activities that are fun in the moment as well as after.

picking pumpkins

Leaf Jumping

Who remembers the joy of jumping in a freshly raked pile of leaves?!  This was one of my favorite things in the world when I was a little girl!  The boys have now learned the joy.  Take one weekend in order to rake your leaves and plan enough time for your kids to run, jump and play in them!  Those of you who are neat freaks, just let it go for a moment and let the kids enjoy themselves.  I promise everyone will have fun.  Hey, what's stopping mom and dad from joining?


S'Mores Making

If you've been enjoying the outdoors all day, why not end the night outside as well.  If you do not have a fire pit you can always create a quick but safe fire from branches and twigs. Make sure to have a few marshmallow roasting sticks (or just use a metal coathanger), graham crackers, and pieces of chocolate.  Our kids generally have the most fun getting messy with the marshmallows.  We really love to invite family and friends over for S'Mores making and fun stories.

roasting marshmallows

What types of outdoor activities does your family enjoy during the fall?

  • Category:
  • Kids & Family
  • Tags:
  • kids
  • fall
  • fun ideas
  • kids activities
  • outdoors
  • pumpkin
  • leaves
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Fletcher, NC, US

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