
Update to Store Name and Banner

Posted by: CreationsbyNoni

OK! After several years of using the same store name I made a decision to change it to what I feel best reflects who I am and what I do, and that is create. I don't want it to leave the impression that I am only creating in a specific category, as I like to create lots of things. 

I crochet, sew, paint, make home decore, kitchen accessories, baby items, health and beauty products, so why leave my name to "the cotton threadz" when my shop is about so much more. My grandchildren call me Noni, so it made sense to change it to "Creations by Noni", more personalized and leaves the door wide open.

Presently I have a sick parent and been spending a lot of time between work and the hospital so my plans to list more items came to a screeching halt....temporarily. I will eventually get it done when life slows down a bit.

As I said in a previous post this is a new adventure and I am approaching it with more caution than I did the travels through Etsy, as I want things to be as right as I can make them so that I have a better chance for success.

So, bear with me, check back soon and hopefully I will have some new creations for you to view and hope something will strike your fancy!

Until Later,

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Apr 25, 2019 | Nicole Gibson

Love the new name! :)

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Noneez (aka CreationsbyNoni )
Cabot, AR, US

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