
TRON - DIY bag with EL wire

Posted by: Denis

Breaking the box office this weekend - Disney's TRON Legacy is sure to be the "it" thing to talk about when it comes to special effects and movies this year. This holiday season why not handmake a piece of that digital awesomeness for your favourite move fan friend.

I came across this DIY post by Make Magazine's  ladyada and Becky Stern and I thought I'd share it with everyone.


The first time I heard "you'll need a soldering iron" I thought this DIY might be out of my league. But if you stick with the video until the end, both you and your favourite movie fan friend will find the price was worth the admission. Enjoy!
Here's the original post from Make Magazine: DIY TRON Bag
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Dec 22, 2010 | Denis

Thanks (and me's getting great reviews)!
I liked this DIY because at first it "seemed" beyond the skills of these deskjockey hands. But it turned out to be pretty inspirational because it ended up making me feel like I "actually could do it" :)
Now I'm getting ready to bust out some t-shirts!!!

Dec 21, 2010 | Johanne

Cool! I love this DIY idea! Very on-point, too. Can't wait to see the movie!!!

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Toronto, ON, Canada

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