
The Fall Season of my Creative Journey

Posted by: Shellys Handmade Creations

Shellys Handmade Creations

User From USA



Fall is my favorite season of the year! I enjoy the beauty that this season brings to nature through the changing of its leaves. Sometimes I imagine that each leaf is doing its own unique dance with the help of a quiet breeze as they gently fall to the ground. The weather is much cooler bringing a sense of joy and excitement to decorate my home for the upcoming holidays and try out favorite recipes. It's been nearly four months since I started on this creative journey. The mental thought and the physical creation of an online store began back in Spring and now its almost Fall (where did the time go)?

One evening as I was reading a post on one of my social media sites, the post simply stated,“I ❤️ MY JOB!” This got me thinking, do I love my job? For many years in the corporate environment I worked early hours, late hours, and occasional weekends to get the job done. I did this mainly because it is my personal work habit. Also, I work in this matter because I was concerned that if I didn’t, my work would suffer. But looking back on this, I need to ask myself an important question, “Did I love my Job”? The answer is “YES”.

Loving what you do is important whether you are working for someone else or yourself. Now that I am working for myself, I realize that my work habits haven’t changed only the environment in which I work has changed. I still get up early in the morning (ahh I need that hot cup of coffee!) and think about what I need to complete before the end of the day. Going from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur has its many challenges. Every single decision about your business comes from you. At times this can be scary, especially if you have never been in the position of making all the decisions about how to run your own business.

By nature, I am a quiet and shy person. However, my working experience over the years has helped me gain the confidence I needed to excel. My corporate days may be currently behind me, but not the lessons learned to strive for your goals. At this moment I am working on creating handmade quality products for the upcoming Fall and Winter seasons. Sometimes this feels like a daunting task as I need to complete so many products with so little time.

Although this task is challenging, I approach this task with excitement because I am “falling in love with my new job😊. Instead of waking up in the middle of the night worried about what I need to do and how to do it, I am waking up in the middle of the night thinking of a new creative product to make! The energy and butterflies in my stomach are still there, but for some reason it’s feels different.

The Fall Season to me represents change. It’s not only a change of a season, but also a welcome change to continue to move forward. Overall, I am glad to be on this creative journey. Do I have moments of doubt…yes, I, do!  But I think these moments of doubts lead to moments of encouragement. As I sit here looking over my spreadsheet of the many items that I need to complete, I take a deep breath and say,” Ok one down, tomorrow is another day.” I close my laptop and call it a night. Hopefully I will get a good night sleep, but if not, I hope to come up with a new creative product.

A smile slowly comes across my face and I say to myself, “I ❤️ MY JOB!”

  • Category:
  • Inspirational
  • Tags:
  • Knitting
  • Selling Online
  • Fall Season
  • Creativity
  • New Beginnings
Page Views: 2979


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Aug 13, 2019 | Shellys Handmade Creations

Thank you Ms. Raines. Try to stay cool :)

Aug 13, 2019 | MsRainesSewingRoom

Very nice Blog Rachele, I am in Florida and it has been so blistering hot here, especially so the last couple weeks. I like you are so looking forward to Fall and the Holidays. Good luck on your projects, I myself am hoping to do some sewing in the weeks ahead. Happy Crafting!!!!!

Submitted by:

Rachele (aka Shellys Handmade Creations )
Covina, CA, US

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