
It started with string... Materials Challenge

Posted by: Fairy Cardmaker

I decided to set a materials challenge to help think about my craft from a new angle.  The first material is brought to us by The Knitting Lady. She says she loves to knit and work with acrylics.  My item was inspired by her crocheted doily.  I think it’s the one in her banner and, boy, it is gorgeous!

Table Cover

I had some crochet string in my craft stash.  I used to use it to make bookmarks from stencilled designs many years ago.  There isn’t a whole lot needed for a bookmark so there was plenty of string left on the spool.  It lives in my gift wrapping storage box now for me to attach gift tags on gift bags that I reuse.  Most times, I use embroidery floss for tags but the crochet string has a smoother texture that works much better for bookmarks.

Handmade Bookmark Card - Fairy Teacup - African American Ethnic

It started with string for a bookmark… and became a triple layered pocket card.  The greeting card and bookmark mirror each other.  The bookmark is tucked inside a pocket of the card.

Bookmark Card - Teacup - Blonde - Handmade

Since the pocket is on the inside, I decided there needed to be more interest behind it, so I decorated the composition space inside of my bookmark card too.  Now, there is something to see at every turn!

On this design, I used a digital stamp so that I could resize it however I needed.  I fell in love with the captivating look in this fairy’s eyes.  The delicacy of the tea cup seemed to echo the delicacy of the wee fae.  A touch of glitter on the wings and around the gilded teacup adds that magical flair.

I hope you enjoyed my submission to the yarn/wool/string challenge!

  • Category:
  • All Things Crafts
  • Tags:
  • challenge
  • card
  • bookmark
  • craft materials
  • crochet
  • cardmaking
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Jun 17, 2011 | Ahkriti

Oh I Love that bookmark idea with the card! Good idea! You have described your creation very beautifully!
Like the delicate and dainty look of the fairy in the teacup!

Thanks for sharing!

Submitted by:

Scrapninny (aka Fairy Cardmaker )
Mississauga, ON, Canada

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