
Celebrating Creativity, March is National Craft Month

Posted by: OhLaLaBride

My latest creation Glorious Pink Roses Raw Silk Bridal Bouquet

Hi everybody!

My blog is going to be about Celebrating Creativity on iCraft.

I thouhgt it would be appropriate to write about the National Craft Month which is March. What a terrific reason to celebrate creativity! It is a wonderful opportunity to unleash our creativity and explore our inner artist. To help kick off the National Craft Month, I am excited to invite all crafters (iCraft members and non-members) to submit their designs in the National Craft Month Contest.

You may submit multiple entries for this contest by posting pictures of your creations in the National Craft Month Contest post page.

All entries must be received by March15th to be eligible. 

The iCraft community will vote on the best creations. Voting will open on March 16th.

The winner will be announeced on March 31st.

The winner of the contest will be featured in a blog post, on iCraft homepage for one month plus the winner will receive 3 free months of unlimited posting.

For non-members, iCraft will also waive their registration fee.

National Craft Month was started by the craft industry to spotlight the fact that over half of homes (56%) have crafting going on in them.

Since it’s inception in 1994, however, crafters have really embraced the month as a chance (excuse?) to try new crafts, share their crafting with others, and acknowledge the significance that crafting has in our lives.

Whether it is documenting our lives with scrapbooking, strengthening intergenerational bonds by teaching our children and grandchildren knitting and crochet, or using our crafting time as therapy, National Craft Month is our chance to speak up for the crafts we love and be proud of the crafts we have created.

In the meantime link up and stay tuned!


  • Category:
  • All Things Crafts
  • Tags:
  • national craft month
  • march national craft month
  • crafter
  • crafters
  • creativity
  • craft
  • national month craft contest
  • craft contest
  • crafters contest
Page Views: 2986


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Mar 2, 2012 | OhLaLaBride

I saw your posts and commented on one of them. Good luck to you!

Mar 2, 2012 | Ahkriti

I had no idea as well. Until I saw a tweet message on this last night. Thank you. I've posted it on my blog as well!
Good luck to all of us here!

Feb 21, 2012 | shekis

Interesting, I did not know about the National Craft Month, great blog. Good luck with the contest.

Submitted by:

Creative Ramblings (aka OhLaLaBride )
Vaudreuil Dorion, QC, Canada

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