
Apple Picking, a Family Tradition

Posted by: Maple Leaf

I love apple picking every fall. It became a fall tradition in our family to drive an hour or two outside the city to pick up our own apples and pumpkins to celebrate the Harvest season.

Apple orchard, Ontario.

Farms and orchards are full of engaging fall activities for everyone

Kids were having fun tasting apples and playing in the hay. Some of the farms even have a zoo! You can also buy fresh produce at the store, along with the home-made jams, and freshly baked apple pies! 

There is no shortage of apples and pumpkins at the orchard. You can find a variety of different types of apples and pumpkins in all shapes and sizes.

Pick from the trees or buy from the farm store?

You can pick apples yourself or buy them from the store. There will be no price difference. Picking is more fun and you know for sure you are getting the best apples when you are choosing every one yourself.

Store full of apples and pumkins

We usually pick enough apples to last us till the next season.

Carrying apples, Ontario orchard.


Half of that purchase I would keep on my balcony until the temperatures outside drops below zero Celsius. Then I would take the leftovers inside. Surprisingly, those apples from orchard stay fresh for a long time. Another half of the batch I would freeze. Some of them would go into apple pies, some of them would go into fruit smoothies.

A farm is a place to harvest great pictures too!

A trip to the orchard is also a great opportunity for anyone who likes taking pictures. 
Here are a few that I took that day.

Ontario farm in the fall.

It was actually a perfect day for taking photos - bright and no rain. I found some interesting scenes with funky Halloween and Fall decor. The owner of the farm definitely knows how to create the atmosphere! 


Funky fall decor, orchard store.


Bike on the farm, Halloween decor.

Farm and pumkins, Halloween.

Here is another one, simple country shot.

Farm wheel

How often do you visit farms in your area? Do you have an apple picking tradition is your family? Do you like supporting local farmers? Share in comments!

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  • Category:
  • Holidays & Occasions
  • Tags:
  • apples
  • pumpkin
  • photography
  • fall
  • Halloween
  • Halloween decor
  • orchard
  • fall photography
  • local business
Page Views: 4895


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Nov 7, 2011 | Silly Cat

Looks like a very relaxing place that's nice to visit in the fall. Beautiful Halloween shots!

Oct 25, 2011 | Maple Leaf

I know! Apples and a baby carriage look totally bizarre. We took some funny photos with it.

Oct 23, 2011 | Fairy Cardmaker

The baby carriage is strange, funny and brilliant all at the same time!
I like the last photo best - "The circle in the stone". I love circles... and stone!

Oct 23, 2011 | Ahkriti

What wonderful clicks you have shared with us. I totally agree, fall is the perfect time to get some great pictures esp the persimmons and chocolate browns in their natural form.

Submitted by:

Maple Leaf
Toronto, ON, Canada

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