
10 Sweet and Romantic Valentine's Gifts to Craft for Your Sweetheart

Posted by: Kathryn M DImperio

Each year, we wonder what to get our significant other for one of the most romantic days of the year, Valentine’s Day. When old standbys like perfume and cologne just won’t do, we try to think outside the perennial box of chocolates for a much better Valentine’s Day gift. From clothes to movies to small electronics, sometimes nothing seems quite right. If you aren't sure what to get, don’t wait forever waiting for the right gift to pop into your head. Procrastination might leave you with yet another box of chocolates and a store-bought greeting card!

If all that shopping for breathtaking Valentine’s Day presents is giving you a headache, relax and put your natural creativity and talents to use instead. The following ten creative and personalized gift ideas should get you off to a great start!

1. Valentine’s Idol

If you are musically inclined, compose a song for your one-and-only. Personally, I melt when someone sings to me or plays an instrument for me. Who doesn’t love to be serenaded? Writing a song for someone you love is perhaps one of the most sensitive and intimate gifts you can give, and it will surely be cherished and appreciated. Don’t be afraid if you aren’t super musically talented – just make it cute, sweet, and fun!

After you perform the song, present your partner with a CD that has the song on it. To increase the artistic element, create a special CD case with pictures of you and your sweetheart, and don’t forget to print the lyrics out in a little booklet. You may want to perform the song live, but giving a hard copy of your hard work only adds to the impact of your gift.

2. Embrace Your Inner Poet

If music isn’t exactly your thing, consider writing a poem for your mate. The feeling and meaning that can be intricately woven throughout the lines of poetry is unmatched in emotion by many other signs of affection. If time allows, be especially creative and use a software-imaging program like PhotoShop to dress up your poem with beautiful graphics.

Not the computer savvy type? Buy a picture frame and some matting to create your own work of art! Print out or nicely scribe your poem on a fancy piece of paper, then apply the matting, fit everything inside the frame, and you have one beautiful and personalized Valentine’s Day gift!

3. Draw Your Love

If your talents lie more on the artistic side of things, a beautiful sketch or drawing that you yourself design would be a wonderful sign of your love. Frame it if you wish, or roll it up and fasten it with a nice ribbon like an ancient scroll.

4. Memory Lane

To capture your memories in a more tangible format, consider making a scrapbook or memory book for your sweetheart. All those photos from way back, ticket stubs, dried flowers, and your own personal special touches can culminate into a very thoughtful and sentimental gift.

If you don’t have time for all the bells and whistles of a traditional scrapbook, look into digital scrap booking. It’s one of the latest and greatest ways to capture your memories with ease!

5. Flames of Love

If you enjoy cooking and baking or find yourself particularly good at either one, make use of your talent and make your sweetie a mouth-watering dinner or a scrumptious dessert. Add candlelight, mood music, or your own special touches to romanticize it even more. For twice the fun, see if your honey is interested in cooking together. You can have a great time while being romantic together as you add and mix ingredients and enjoy taste testing the results.

6. A Love For All Seasons

Create a calendar with photos of the two of you. It may be February already, but there are still ten and a half good months left in the year. You can create a photo calendar easily at a site like the Kodak Online Gallery or Snapfish. If money is an issue, you can always create the calendar on your own computer and print it out at home. This Valentine’s gift is one your sweetheart can enjoy all year long!

7. Modern Mixed Tape

Make a music compilation filled with songs that make you think of your honey. Chances are, he or she will love it and most likely will play it when you are not around or when you are on their mind. Make a copy for yourself, too, just in case you find yourself missing your love and wishing you were together at that moment.

For the crafty approach, design a CD case and cover for your sweetie. Don’t forget to make a little booklet with a list of all the songs and artists you decided to feature. If you are feeling especially ambitious, add a little quote as to why you selected each of these songs.

8. IOU Love

Construct a coupon booklet of little freebies you are willing to give your partner. Things like free back massages, dinner at a favorite hotspot, a home-cooked meal, a night where he or she is boss, full control of the remote, fill-in-the-blank coupons - you get the idea! Be creative, but personalize it according to your relationship. Draw little images to dress up each coupon, or add stickers for a fun and special touch.

To save some cutting and gluing, you can also construct your coupon book on the computer using one of many different software applications. Print it out, staple it together and you are ready to present a sweet and thoughtful handmade gift that lasts beyond Valentine’s Day.

9. Drink From the Cup of Love

Using glass paints and a mug, glass, or vase of your choice, you could create a stained-glass work of art. If you aren't confident with your painting and designing abilities, find an image you would like to use (or print words and phrases from your PC) and tape it on the inside of the glass so you can easily trace over it with the paint.

Be sure to allow enough time for the item to dry and for the paint to set before giving your masterpiece to the recipient. For a sweet touch once the glass is dry, you can fill it with your mate’s favorite candy.

10. Keep Your Love Warm

Crochet or knit a blanket, scarf, or other specialty item for your honey. Handmade gifts mean a lot because much thought and time have been invested. If you are creating an afghan or a blanket, you will want to plan several months ahead to ensure you complete it on time. Perhaps this is a project for another year!

Sharing the Love

Whatever you decide to do, Valentine’s Day is a special day for lovers so make sure you celebrate it with the right personalized touch!

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Kathryn M D'Imperio (aka Kathryn M DImperio )

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