Inspirational Blog by Maple Leaf

If you think there is no use for shattered CDs, you are so wrong. Just have a look at the insanely detailed razor sharp animal sculptures created by artist Sean Avery , who is using shattered CDs , as his choice of medium.

When Cars are Repurposed as Furniture

This sofa is a fully functional piece . The rear of the sofa is provided with a recycled cooling equipment. The front of the sofa... Read more
I had no idea there was such a thing as a Book Art . But recently, I've been seeing a lot of images of amazing Book Art popping up all over the web. One that really caught my attention was a book with butterflies bursting out of it. Creativity at its best!

I did some rereplacement and it turns out that this book has a fascinating story behind it.

Called the "Book Of Life", it was inspired by the... Read more
I recently saw this fascinating fashion and textiles exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum (or ROM) called BIG. As they say on their website "The newest ROM exhibition showcases textiles and costume that, in their own remarkable way, are BIG … BIG in size, BIG in historical importance, BIG news, created by a BIG name, carry a BIG price tag, and so on."

ROM's extensive collection... Read more
Many artists strive to develop their own artistic style or a new technique through years of study, experiments and commitment to their artistic expression. Some actually succeed at that. Here are a few fascinating art technique that were invented not too long ago. Filumizm, Lacy Surface Patterns Artist Igor Ryazantsev works in a unique art technique that he invented and patented in December 2011. He works with... Read more
Recently I spent a few days in San Francisco. Walking through the Fisherman's Wharf, I stumbled upon an Art Gallery featuring work of Rodney Lough Jr , an award-winning landscape photographer .

I don't think I've been inspired by someone's work so much in a long time, as much as I was walking through the gallery.

All Rodney's photographs have incredible vibrant colors that just illuminate... Read more
Once in a while I come across things that have a surprising effect on me, like the Solipsist , a visually stunning experimental short film by Andrew Thomas Huang.

After watching the video, I felt inspired, amused, and slightly disturbed. Those things crawling over girls faces were pretty awful and I still have guy's odd painted face/canvas stuck in my head.

The movie is incredibly odd and... Read more
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Maple Leaf
Toronto, ON, Canada

I love travel and photography, and often try to combine both. My preference is to shoot in a natural light.

  • Posts: 32

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