WOW, Christine! I have to say, I haven't seen so much activity on the Message Board ever. You are really a bundle of energy and we are so happy to have you with us.
You have our full support, so keep up the good work!
We’ll definitely do everything possible to ensure the success of this program.
I am so glad to see that everyone is as excited about “Sellers’ Bootcamp” as we are.
One thing that we will implement ASAP is the “opt in” feature, so only those who signed up for the “Sellers’ Bootcamp” would receive an email from Christine or iCraft regarding this program. Also, we wouldn’t have to count votes on the Message Board to see who is in, if we had everyone's vote logged in our database.
For now, we’ll simply add a checkbox on your Profile page below “Newsletter” checkbox saying “Yes, sign me up for Sellers’ Bootcamp”. Later, we could build up this program more and maybe even display your daily “Homework” on the main “My Account” page, so you could cross off things that you’ve done and then track and compare your marketing efforts against your Web Analytics data. Ok, I know we don’t have Web Analytics yet, but I am talking about future, right? :wink: