#page has been deleted# Purple earrings that my mom would love for Mothers Day
by beajoux
Keywords1. cheap diamond stud earrings 1300
2. moissanite stud earrings 1300
3. discount diamond stud earrings 880
4. craft beads wholesale 720
5. necklace findings 1300
https://icraftgifts.com/handmade/19046/handmade-necklace-translucent-frosted-blue-glass.php A little something for me
by gallerialinda
Keywords1. glass beads for sale 1300
2. sterling silver letter beads 720
3. glass cane beads 880
4. large plastic beads 1000
5. sterling silver letter beads 720
https://icraftgifts.com/handmade/21291/coffee-mug-cozy-tractor.php A gift for a man who LOVES John Deer by Boutique Karma
Keywords1. custom travel coffee mugs 590
2. custom printed coffee mugs 320
3. coffee mug printing 480
4. personalized coffee travel mug 590
5. logo ceramic mugs 260
Now sure if I did this all right, but it's learning process
I had thought that the longer your store has been active, the more keywords would show up, but in this case Boutique Karma takes the cake. The other three have been opened a year longer. I also took the words in the Local Search Volume: March column. So did I pass?