How to write good Product Titles
Product Titles are the most important pieces of copy on the product page, as they help replacement engines to find your products when people replacement for them on Bing or Google. They also help people understand what your product is all about.
It's important to include descriptive Keywords into your Product Titles, keywords that most likely your buyers would use to replacement for your products. Those keywords could include color, style, occasion or target group that your product is intended for.
Here are some examples of good Product Titles.
Adjustable Headband for a Girl
Beaded charm bracelet with dragonfly
Blue and purple beaded necklace
Handmade Love Card - Paper Quilled
Tea Tree Soap & Kelp Purifier

Here are some examples of no so good Product Titles.
Pink Flowers
Summer Love
Amber Goddess

So here are general rules for creating good Product Tites:
- Make every Product Title unique!
Do not repeatsame Product Title on another product page. That will jeopardize your page rankings.
- Make sure your Title describes your product really well. That's what people will see in replacement results - only your Product Titlse. There are no pictures. So if you don't have descriptive keywords in your Titles, people will not click on your link.
- Do not put things in the Title that mean nothing to the user, like product codes (ER#1208-4) or cute names (Amber Goddess).
- Do not put very generic terms like Soap or Earrings. If user is looking for "Silver Hoop Earrings", he will skip your link and click on someone elses that has exactly the words that describe what they are looking for.
- If you are not sure what words would describe your product well, ask your friends and family members to describe your items.
Also, do Keyword Rereplacement to find out what terms people use on Google that closelydescribe your products.
Here are good posts on doing Keyword Rereplacement and choosingright keywords for your product Titles - Wrong Keywords attract wrong traffic or don’t attract any and Holiday Keyword Rereplacement.