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Day 1 What happened today?


Posts: 442

« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2009, 07:16:12 pm »

Updated the new twitter names into the marketing forum here:
#page has been deleted#

Posts: 23

« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2009, 08:03:24 pm »

Whew! This has been a day - but I have made a commitment to do better this second time around.

I added my twitter account - http://www.twitter.com/tryshz
to my signature on my Thunderbird email (I use that instead of Outlook etc.) I already had my blog and my iCraft shop on it.  My blog is http:// http://trish-studio214.blogspot.com
and my iCraft shop is at  https://icraftgifts.com/trish

Don't know why the links aren't working - too tired to figure out what I'm doing wrong ...sigh

Didn't yet put my ad in a free classified (I KNEW I forgot something!) - but I have klipperclassifieds.com in my browser - so that will be done shortly.

Didn't open a twitter account in my shop name - am afraid I'll not keep up. Thinking about it tho.

I have my business cards - I got them from Vista - and they really did only cost me $5.27! They have a Vista ad on the back, but right now - the low cost made it possible - so that's ok.

I actually did answer the questions - advantage of getting up really early and taking time first thing! So....here they are:
How many items can you reasonably produce and list in the next 28 days?
   One per day

How many sales would you like to make in the next 28 days?
   One per day

What products would you like to introduce or eliminate from your product line?
   Introduce new things – wire, beach glass, using stash
   Eliminate things with least views

To whom will your products appeal to? Describe your buyer (male, female, age, profession, etc)
   I see my buyer as a female – working gals to retired –     who Likes nice jewelry but not flashy or large.             Someone who appreciates handmade quality

What areas do you need to tweak in your shop? (pictures, bio, policies, shipping, descriptions, etc)
   Definitely tweak the pictures – most need re-doing
   Re-do some of the scans as photos
   Tweak the shipping and other policies

What networking activities have you been procrastinating but really want to start? (blog, .com,twitter)
   I have a new website – but haven’t really got it ready
       yet. Want to do so – as I think that is a necessary
       thing, having complete control over what I do with it.

Is there a seller/shop out there that you wish you could be like? Or admire? Why?
           Admire Linda Galleria – the photos are beautiful –
           and the descriptions are too – she has much more
           experience, so would like to emulate her.

I also added a new product to my iCraft shop, and to Zibbet, and to byhand.me  Why is it that every site has different size requirements for pictures? Had to make three different sizes...lol! But - it's done....YAY!

Enough rambling for now.....Trish signing off...


Posts: 23

« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2009, 10:02:25 pm »

I use web mail, Gmail, Yahoo, and aol. I am unable to figure out how to add "automatic" signature to such mail. Anybody know how?
Paul (aka Sirocco)

Posts: 147

« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2009, 10:32:40 pm »

Hi everyone! Happy Canada Day!
I had a busy day going out and then company for dinner.
So I did answer the questions:
1 Produce 8 new pieces of jewelry
2 two sales
3 turquoise pendant necklaces
4 women 16-40 and men buying for women
5 rework photos on some products that need tweeking
6 blog more often on mycraftivity
7 I admire Christine and Linda they seem to have this selling thing together
8 will have to check out Klipper when I have more time

I couldn't figure out how to add my signature to my email. I use Thunderbird. Maybe someone who has figured it out can walk me through it step by step.

I have lots of business cards and discount cards that I send out with a purchase. I got that discount card idea from Nancy Wallis.

I think that's enough for today
I'm very happy to be participating in Bootcamp#2 right at the start!
Deb  Cheesy

Posts: 23

« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2009, 11:41:38 pm »

A Happy Canada Day - been remiss to have waited so late to wish that!

I use Thunderbird - so tomorrow I will try to do a step-by-step signature creation thing for you - and anyone else who uses Thunderbird.

Trish tired and heading for bed... Smiley

Posts: 147

« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2009, 12:45:14 am »

Great Trish!
I look forward to hearing all about it!
Deb Cheesy
Zs Knees

Posts: 114

« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2009, 02:19:46 am »

So glad to be back! Cheesy

Checked out klipperclassifieds and posted an ad. Linda, I don't know, it doesn't seem particularly eye-catching or user-friendly, but you never know! Thanks for the link.

I'm now a tweeter! Never thought that would happen, but it looks like it'll be fun when I get the hang of it. http://twitter.com/ZsKnees

Lots of plans, lots of new goals... and can't wait to meet all the new shops!

Posts: 442

« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2009, 06:30:06 am »

Added ZsKnees to the twitter list in the marketing forum. Ya'll go over there and follow everyone. I have followed the new ones for GalleriaLinda and the IndieCEO blog!

Updated the new twitter names into the marketing forum here:
#page has been deleted#

Posts: 442

« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2009, 06:40:12 am »

Trish and Deb, thank you so much for your kind words. You are very kind!

Zs - thanks for the feedback on klipper. I haven't yet done that but will tomorrow.

I have not been able to start bootcamp and will not be able to do anything until tomorrow. My day job has been uber busy, as we have a short week this week with Friday off for July 4th/Independence Day holiday being on Saturday.

I am keeping up with posts, though and I am IMPRESSED with all of you! Christine's questions are excellent and thoughtful and am chewing on them.

Have a great day today with much success.
Northern Girl Jewelry

Posts: 199

« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2009, 08:34:28 am »

Quote from: "PillowThrowDecor"

I would love for any followers to sign up and leave a comment on my post and.... anyone else, from today on, that has blogged leave a link here so that we can all follow you and leave comments.  That builds SEO!


I am definitely not knowledgeable about SEO.  But I have read comments from people who work in that field that links in comments on blogs do not contribute to SEO...  Leaving links may lead to people checking out the links, but it apparently won't do anything to boost SEO...

Northern Girl Jewelry

Posts: 199

« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2009, 08:43:05 am »

Was busy with Canada Day activities yesterday, so didn't get a chance to post here...

    I already have signatures in my email accounts
    I have business cards
    I have a twitter account - but I don't use it - having difficulty enjoying that one

I spent some time thinking about my goals:

My overall goal is to find a way to find a balance and be able to spend some time creating and some time promoting regularly.  I find that I tend to do one or the other for a spell, and I would like to do both.  This is in addition to my full time job.  

I also want to improve my facebook fan page, and have it become more dynamic and active.  I have some fans, but I want the page to be fun, so that people want to come check it out.

Some of my photos and descriptions need tweaking, so also want to work on that.

I didn't have the time to check out the local business listings yesterday, so will do that today.

Off to go look at today's assignment...


Posts: 2

« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2009, 10:36:59 am »

I forgot that Boot Camp started yesterday.

But I didn't forget about my iCraft Exhibit, as I took advantage of upgrading my account, and I listed item number 6 in my Exhibit.

I have a rash of things to think about and do, tasks from Day 1 and Day 2, and because I'm going away tonight and won't have internet access until Sunday, I will have to catch up on Day 3!

This is what I remember so far:

Cragislist:  the thought of putting my name on Craigs List intimidates me.  But, I will check it out, as I want sales!

Items per day:  I can reasonably produce and photograph (sunshine permitting) two pieces of jewelry per day.

I would love to sell one item per day, but frankly, I would be happy to sell 2 pieces every 7 days.

I am already on Twitter:  emmsgems  follow me!

I have business cards and my husbands, my closest friend, my dad, my mom, and my sister all carry them as well, but the better question is:  Do they hand them out?

I am always tweaking my photos, and would love some feeback!

I need to check out this klipper business.

I have a blog, and I am trying to keep it up to date (ie. post every three days)   http://emmsgems.blogspot.com/

If I can return to Boot Camp later today I will, other than this, I will be back and ready to go on Monday!

Emily  Cheesy

Posts: 23

« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2009, 11:32:01 am »

Ok...I wrote down the step by step instructions to do this for Debra, and anyone else using Thunderbird email, but this forum will not take my post. Keeps saying "Bad request" - maybe I shoudn't put code in here.

So...it's in a Word file - and I don't know how to get it to people or on here.

Any enlightenment would be wonderful!


Posts: 33

« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2009, 01:34:22 pm »

Quote from: "Jewelry Without Borders"
Quote from: "PillowThrowDecor"

I would love for any followers to sign up and leave a comment on my post and.... anyone else, from today on, that has blogged leave a link here so that we can all follow you and leave comments.  That builds SEO!


I am definitely not knowledgeable about SEO.  But I have read comments from people who work in that field that links in comments on blogs do not contribute to SEO...  Leaving links may lead to people checking out the links, but it apparently won't do anything to boost SEO...


Julie is right. Leaving links in comments on blogs does *not* contribute to SEO... unfortunately.

Posts: 147

« Reply #29 on: July 02, 2009, 02:01:00 pm »

Hey Trish
Could you send me the link to my email address? It's debra.westdorp@shaw.ca
Deb Cheesy
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