Thank you for your offer to help! I would like more consistency in my photos, particularly lighting. I have a light tent but am having a very difficult time getting the lighting to work for me. Hubby and I have tried goosenecks, shop halogens, etc but haven't found a great setup yet. Do you have suggestions for wattage and placement of lights? I have the tent setup in a fairly dark room (laundry room) because I have 3 children and don't want them interfering with it. For now I'm using natural light (by a window) but would love to make the change for shop consistency! I'm shooting with a Panasonic Lumix FX35 on macro mode with no flash (some of my older pics are with my old Pentax Optio). I also have a Pentax K10D I could learn to use (husbands camera) but really I would prefer to continue with the point and shoot option rather than have to pass the learning curve of a DSLR.
You don't mention that you're using a tripod which is an essential tool for any photographer and could mean that you can forget about expensive lighting setups as you can use a longer exposure and get more light into the camera that way. Even better is to use a remote trigger or failing that, just set the self timer.
I'm afraid that I can't advise on wattage - I just use the bulbs which came with my kit This is a tabletop kit with two lamps and a light-tent which would be ideal for jewellery photography. For consistency, it's just a matter of finding a result you like and making notes of the set up and sticking to it. Practice really does make perfect!
I can't recommend delicate use of photo editing software - almost every picture I use gets a tweak in Adobe Lightroom and if it needs it, in Photoshop CS4. I think the photos in your shop look fine, by the way!