Wow it is so good to see so many Canadian sellers! I have just recently started selling pillows and throws on line on Etsy but am struggling a bit with Canadians resisting paying in US dollars.... especially my local friends and customers. So... I AM SO GLAD TO HAVE FOUND THIS CANADIAN SITE!
I am in the process of retiring from a 26 year career in real estate sales, training, management and ownership. I started a drapery business a year ago to help in my transition and sort of fell into my pillow and throw business. I'm a fabric addict and I LOVE PLAYING WITH PILLOWS. It has been so much fun and interesting meeting and learning from so many talented people on line. The talent out there is amazing.
I am shocked at how much I don't know. I understand the disciplines of selling but don't know much about social networking, online sales and virtual customers but boy am I learning fast.
Can't wait to meet more of you and of course do some online shopping in CANADIAN DOLLARS. Yahoo!!!
Christine Skaley Reid