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I'm new and would love to have me store critiqued please!!

Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« on: November 05, 2013, 10:04:03 pm »

I would like to know if my store looks alright and what I can do to make it look even better. Please give me any advice that you feel I need.

Store's URL is: https://icraftgifts.com/jewelry-made-with-love

Thank you in advance for any and all help!
Ninaross Designs

Posts: 7

« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 12:30:40 am »

Hi, I'm new to this also and I've seen your site... it looks really nice.  Have you started to blog yet. I've attempted to blog since they say it will help gain more visibility.  Anyway,  your jewelry is pretty and your photos are very clear.

Take care,
Artisangirl@Ninaross Designs
Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 09:51:45 pm »

I haven't done a blog as I have no idea how to do one. I'm so busy right now and am just making jewelry to sell and for gifts for Christmas that I haven't tried to learn something new.  I need to take the time to do so.  Do you know if there is a site that would help me out with a blog?

Thank you for the compliments on my jewelry and my photos. It's taken me a long time to figure out how to do them.  I just started getting good pictures.

Thank you again and take care,

Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2013, 09:58:15 pm »

Hi there!  I always like helping others help themselves.  I am no expert, but here's my report:

I would rearrange your store announcement to put beaded jewellery as close to the start as possible.  (Presented sentence by sentence here, but you would make it a natural paragraph.)

I love to make beaded jewelry for all ages.
I'm new to beading, but am enjoying it completely.
I will take special orders or, by all means, buy what you see.
If you see a piece of jewelry that you like but need it to match your outfit, share a picture of your outfit and I'll make the custom jewelry to match.
I've had the creative bug since I was a little girl.
I started beading to make items for Vacation Bible School for our Church and my mom's.
Once I started making things I haven't been able to stop!
This is my way to relax and let the creativity in me soar.
I hope to make others happy with the jewelry I make for them, whether specializedcustomized or from my stock items.

I think your photos are framed well, but could use more light (or colour correction for brightness/contrast).  Check out these forums - there are photography tips in there.

This is BY FAR my favourite tutorial: http://lifecraftinessandeverythingelse.blogspot.ca/2009/11/how-to-use-lightbox-and-photo-editing.html

Your titles are long, which isn't bad in itself.  However, try to think of 3 words people would use when replacementing for your product and make sure those make it in to the titles.  For example:

"Double strand Faux Pearl Necklace" - this is a good title!

"Pink ribbon with pink & purple beads with heart charm " - this is not so good.
If I were buying this product, would I look for "pink ribbon"?  Or would I look for "heart necklace" or even "ribbon necklace" - my point is, the word "necklace" is no where in your title.  So, I would rename this something like:

"Beaded Pink Ribbon Necklace with Heart Pendant"
- I know it is a charm but you have used it as a pendant so I don't think it is misleading to call it that but, if you disagree, then call it:
"Beaded Pink Ribbon Necklace with Heart Charm"

(You have a few listings like this where the basic product word is missing.)

Also, something like this: "large flag key chain"
- Is it a large flag?  Or a large key chain?
- There are so many flags.  No one is going to replacement for a flag.  They are going to replacement for a specific flag: a country, a team, an event, etc.
How about this: "U.S. Flag Large Key Chain"

Looks like you're using the categories other listing options well.  I hope these few tips give you some ideas to touch up your shop!
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 09:25:04 pm by Fairy Cardmaker »
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 11:47:30 pm »

Great suggestions, Fairy Cardmaker!
You are talking like a pro now. Thanks for helping out our new members!  Kiss
Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2013, 03:02:17 pm »

Thank you Fairy Cardmaker,

I will take your message to heart. I'm sorry it's taken so long to tell you thanks, I couldn't remember how to get back to the forums.

I will make the changes and hope you will check back and see if it' looks better,

Thanks again,

Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2013, 09:27:44 pm »

(Thanks, Admin!  I might be starting to sound like one - if only I could act like one, lol!)

Question for admin....
With alternate spellings like Jewelry versus Jewellery, do replacement engines "know" to look for that difference?

OR, if the seller uses "jewelry" in their titles and descriptions, should they put "jewellery" as an item tag just to get the alternate spelling in there somewhere?
iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2013, 10:10:59 pm »

Hey Lisa, we can promote you to Admin, if you have some extra free time.  Wink

As for the spelling of different words, replacement engines are getting smarter now and can link up related words, so I'd say no, don't bother with different spellings. It's not as critical today, as it was before.

As far as on-page optimization goes - Page Titles (or Product Titles in our case) and enough descriptive page copy are far more important than anything else.
Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2014, 04:23:14 pm »


I think I've followed your advice but would love to have you Re-Critique my store. If you are willing to do so.

I've grouped my items together some and have put up a few new things.

If you have time, or any one has the time, Please leave me some feedback so that I can work on it.

Thanks so much,

Cindy Cavender
Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2014, 10:57:54 pm »

Hi Cindy,

GREAT JOB with those titles.  They are much more sensible (replacementable!) now.  I like your store collections too.  The only comment I have there is perhaps to change "Indian Style Jewelry" to "Native Indian Style Jewelry" to be more specific.

I chose a few listings to critique and hope you can apply that knowledge to all the rest of the listings as well.

I really like the workmanship in this piece:
However, the picture is dark.  I appreciate the difficulty of photographing something with so many layers and such dimension.  Consider those tutorials on using a program to touch up your photos.  There are many that are free to use too.

The other thing I would say about this listing is to also give both metric and imperial measurements as some places in the world use one over the other.  (Unless you are not offering shipping to those places.)

(Oh... and the fourth picture... I don't know what that is.  I assume it has to do with "the infinity connector beads" because the shape is like the infinity symbol used in math but, not being in to jewelry myself, I'm a dunce.  So, maybe your target shopper would know what that is and what the infinity connector is, but I don't.)

On the keychain I pointed out before:
It is much improved, however, I'm in the dark about durability.  What are those beads connected with?  Nylon cord?  Cotton string?  Baker's Twine?  Elastic?  Knowing what it is might help me determine if it is strong enough to take the abuse my keys often take without busting apart and scattering beads all in my car/purse.

I like how you are using all the pictures effectively to show the product from all angles, but the text is way too short.  What size (or size range) is it?  How does it attach?  Does it tie on?  Slide to tighten (because how am I going to tie it with one hand?)?  Help your buyers:
  • Understand what it is - your title improvements have done worlds of good for that
  • Understand how to wear it (clasps, connectors, closures, etc.)
  • Understand how durable it is (what it's made of)

One of the things people say is to describe your product as if you had NO photos.  Search engine robots that read and catalogue pages don't have eyes.  They catalogue only the text.  So, make sure you describe colours and materials in your product descriptions too, even if you think it's plain to the naked eye.

Your shop is definitely improving!  Kudos to your dedication to progress!

iCraft Admin

Posts: 1704

« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2014, 08:21:08 am »

I agree with Lisa about dark images. The first thing people notice in your store is your product photos. If they are not attractive and not grabbing customers' attention, you will have hard time selling your items.

For example:
There is too much going on on this photo that takes customers' attention away from the product. Background and shadows are overpowering the product. Also, the date in the corner is hard to see (and not readable) on a small thumbnail, and not even needed on this photo (not helping in providing useful information).

I would use simple white background, center and zoom in on the product, and add brightness and sharpness to the image to make your product be the star of the shot.

This image is much brighter, which is good, but the product is too small and hard for me to see what it is. I'd make sure product is front and center, so people don't have to look for their glasses when they scan your products in your store or on the replacement results pages (same image thumbnails used there).

Here are some help articles on photography:
Photography Advice on Forum
How To Photograph Your Creations: Table Top Photography 101 with Professional Photographer Christopher Gentile
Also browse through some of the Bootcamp Assignments. There were a few discussions on photographing your products.

And compare your photos to other jewelry stores.
Here are some good examples:

Jewelry by Kat

Christen Largent

Hope this helps!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 10:23:52 am by iCraft Admin »
Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2014, 05:52:48 pm »

Thank you all, I'll work on these suggestions and let you know when it's done so you can recheck for me.

Thanks again
Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2014, 10:55:14 pm »

Worked on the posts some more and think I got all but the key chain one done. I had a family emergency kind of and had to go out of state to youngest daughters to help move, I couldn't find the bag with completed jewelry in it, so will have to wait until I get back home.

Thanks again for all the help.  The only thing I'm still wondering about though is if I'm asking too much for my jewelry?  I have lots of views but no comments or sales. I've looked at other stores and my prices seem about the same if not lower.  I'm just curious.

Thanks again, it's getting late here and I really need to get off the comp and get some rest as we get to move more tomorrow.

Have a great rest of the week and I'll check when I can if you have any more suggestions for me.
Fairy Cardmaker

Posts: 1115

« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2014, 09:51:16 pm »

I hope everyone is recovering from the emergency smoothly!

Your question on prices... I notice the more expensive pieces tend to have the AB beads.  What's an AB bead?  Perhaps you should not use an abbreviation.  Someone familiar with the supplies might know what that is, but a shopper who just wants a pretty black necklace or pretty crystal earrings might not know it.

I am not a consumer of jewellery, so I have no other comments on price.  I am a Chartered Professional Accountant though, and I can tell you that selling a small volume at a large profit is usually better than selling a large volume at a low profit (unless you can manufacture really large quantities easily!).  So, don't undercut yourself.

There are so many other possible reasons why there are views and no sales.  Having enough product selection is only the first step.  Then we need to be "findable", which is what you are working on now by tweaking the listings.  Notice, we aren't working on being found yet.

How do we get found?  Well, how are you driving traffic?  How are you marketing?  How are you advertising?  If you are doing all that, are you targeting it to the right people?  I'm no guru, but my guess is that many views but no sales usually means you have some traffic but not the right kind.  "A" market is passing through your shop but not "the target market" you want.  I'm afraid advice on that is out of my league.  There are some articles in the Seller's Bootcamp here in the iCraft forums though.

Back to listings, cuz that's all I can really critique:
The description in this listing never once says "necklace"
Don't leave your new, awesome product titles hanging!  Reinforce that thinking in your product descriptions too.

In this listing, necklace and bracelet are mentioned only at the end.  I suggest putting it front and centre!  (Closer to the top.)

Happy editing.
Jewelry Made With Love

Posts: 50

« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2014, 09:49:51 pm »

Thank you. I never thought about the abbreviation problem. I will go through and correct that and get better descriptions on my products.

Thank you again.
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