
Your unique items or "Propositional benefit"

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In bootcamp day #4, we were asked to look at our "propositional benefit," or as our drill instructor, Christine, from PillowThrowDecor, explained, "why should I buy your necklace [or scarf, or soap, etc.] instead of the other guys?"  Well, that got me thinking...

Everyone says their product are one-of-a-kind, and unique.  But why are my journals and sketchbooks more unique than others?  I've been looking at other handmade journals online, and about half of the ones that are sewn together, use the coptic stitch.  So why else are my books unique?  Here are three reasons:

1) My "any week" planner layout is not sold in stores.  The object of this journal is to use the calendar only when you need to.  It's a planner, date book and/or diary.  One side has lined pages, the other, a weekly calendar block, for ANY week you want.  I've only made one of these planners, but I intend to make many more.

2) I write a haiku for each book.  This idea started with my jewelry design.  Since I'm the storybeader, it goes without saying that I tell stories.  Short stories.  I attached the haiku in the front verso of each book.

3) half of the books I create are covered in beautiful Japanese Washi papers.  Yes, I've seen others use these sheets, but they are not too common.  And they're absolutely beautiful!

There you have it.  Why you should buy MY hand-sewn books.  Tell us what YOUR propositional benefit is!

  • Category:
  • Selling Online
  • Tags:
  • marketing
  • bootcamp
  • unique
  • one-of-a-kind
  • storybeader
  • pillowthrowdecor
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