
Sellers' Bootcamp - lessons learned

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This past week in Sellers' Bootcamp, we talked a lot about Twitter.  If you're selling online and not twittering, you're making a big mistake. 

I joined Twitter around a year ago, using it to announce new products.  I used it, maybe four times a month. Two days ago, I mentioned a necklace in one of my shops, and watched the number of hits grow, and grow, and grow!  It was amazing!

So you don't know what to tweet about?  I think almost everyone new to Twitter has those reservations.  It's the same as participating in a message board, or standing around the water cooler.  You can write about you're latest project, or something you just saw on a blog.  Ask a question!  Someone might just save you a lot of time (thanks Heather)

There are a few free websites that Bootcamp talked about.  I joined some, to help control my Twitter account:
TweetDeck lets me look at my Friends and New Followers, and tells me whenever my name is mentioned.  You can compose tweets there, retweet, reply, and send direct messages, all with a click of the mouse.  The only thing that annoys me is that little window that pops up in the upper right hand corner, every time a friend tweets.  But it stays for only a few seconds, then disappears.   

Another new website I joined is Social Oomph.  At this site you can schedule your tweets and receive  digested keyword emails.  If you interested in cooking, use " great recipes" as a keyword, and you'll get a listing of tweets dealing with the subject.  Pretty neat, eh?  Again, your name is automatically defaulted, so you can see who's tweeting about you.

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Nov 22, 2009 | wabibrookstudio

Great post! Very helpful info. I agree that twitter is an amazing resource for online selling.

Nov 15, 2009 | Posted by: Anitra Cameron (Coffee Pot People)

I'm glad I'm not the only one that little pop-up window irritates!

Thanks for the info on Social Oomph, too--hadn't heard of that one.

Nov 15, 2009 | Posted by: BeadedTail

Great info and I'll have to check out TweetDeck. Hadn't heard of that before!

Nov 15, 2009 | Posted by: Memories for Life Scrapbooks

I know I should join Twitter...but I just haven't taken the leap yet. Thanks for all the info on Twitter :)

Nov 15, 2009 | Posted by:

Great observations! I too am fairly new at Twitter and you are right about the views that it generates. I have made some really good contacts locally through twitter. It's amazing how quickly you can get the word out around the world... literally!
