How automatic product updates to Twitter work? (Social Feeds)
Once you setup your social feed to Twitter, we'll start automatically tweeting updates to your new and updated products for you.
We check for updates in your store every hour, and then tweet no more posts at once than you've specified in your feed's settings.

After an hour wait wait, we'll tweet other updates and so on, untill all your product updates are covered, never going over Maximum limites.
When we tweet new products, we add "New!" in front of the product title.
For sale items we add "Sale!+ % off.
We add "#handmade" hashtag to all product updates to increase findability of your tweets.
We also shorten our product URLs.
Here is an example of how our automatic product updats would look like in your Twitter stream.
Recently, we also started passing images associated with product pages and blog posts, along with your text updates, so your followers on Twitter and Facebook can see your product shots right within their stream of updates. This allows your posts to stand out more.
Just updated #handmade check every 15 mins
max 5 product updates
Sale! 10% off #handmade
New #handmade
Just updated #handmade check every 15 mins
max 5 product updates
Sale! 10% off #handmade
New #handmade
Just updated #handmade check every 15 mins
max 5 product updates
Sale! 10% off #handmade
New #handmade
Just updated #handmade