Day 10 July 10
1)List one new item on icraft or refresh a listing. Today’s Friday and a good day to review your listings. Are there any that you need to change the pic. Shorten the title and make it more relevant. Do you ever do a replacement for popular replacement words?… check Google. If you don’t know how ask on the forum here.
2) Tweet this item and remember to make it a stunning headline!!! Use a hashtag
3) Tweet about 3 other bootcampers products and use hashtags
4) You can replacement the twitter messages and look for #followfriday and #ff in tweets. It will have multiple tweeple listed as recommended follows. Try and add 50 names.
4) visit - the official site that creates, organizes and displays groups you can see what topics are being talked about on twitter for the day. I checked the word “pillows” and found that there was not much discussion about pillows on twitter today. Instead I replacemented for “décor” and could see that it was a really busy day for discussions on décor. That tells me I should have tweeted my messages with the word décor in it or the hashtag décor. Once I had the whole list of messages discussing décor I could read through and learn stuff. Most importantly I could see who was talking about décor and of course it was designers and decorators and those are the people I want to hang out with. The interesting ones I followed and followed some that they were following. Now you do the same
5)Spend some time on the weekend practicing using hashtags and watching to see what the trends of conversation are. jump in and make some new friends. Engage in conversation