Posts: 1096
« on: July 03, 2009, 01:39:26 am » |
Let's hear all the good stuff that happened today!
Zs Knees
Posts: 114
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 01:22:27 am » |
I'm having trouble with my links.
I went to check my twitter link, and it goes somewhere weird... But it goes to the same place it sends you from my Klipperclassifieds ad.
Any ideas? The URL is right, I checked a zillion times. Could it be my computer?
Posts: 71
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2009, 11:42:50 am » |
If you post your twitter link I will check from my computer, did a craigslist ad, ordering some more cards from vista print cleaning house today so I can make some new items tomorrow, behind a bit after a car crash, concussion is better and whiplash is resolving , glad to be able to make things this weekend but don't know when the will even check the damage , long holiday weekend no one working ; ) Laura http://www.twitter.com/mtndreamers
Posts: 33
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2009, 04:11:25 pm » |
Ok so here's the list: 1) List 1 thing in the next 3 days = Will do during the weekend. I'll be listing 5 items again. I like complete rows LOL 2) Create an appealing background for your twitter page = Done! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Man, this bootcamp rocks!!!! 3) Go to the Business and Marketing forum = Done! listed on several 4) OPTIONAL ACTIVITY = Downloaded and will read over the weekend. Looks very interesting! Cheers, Nathalie
Posts: 71
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2009, 02:09:28 pm » |
Well I did the craigs list add and a reseller contacted me for scrap silver , he wanted to melt my necklace, ick and creepy. so I don't know about craigslist, anyone out there get normal buyers, for instance the type that appreciate your efforts and will cherish it for ever? listed 4 items to make a complete row as now that I know others are bothered by incomplete rows ( Nathalie) I have to make mine even too. I know there is medicine for this. did my july 4th blog. Freedom , well I know that isn't original but appropriate. http://www.mountaindreamers.blogspot.comgoing to try the vistaprint.ca if they take US dollars backed by nothing . Maybe I should hurry. ; ) looking forward to mondays challenges.
Posts: 147
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2009, 03:46:17 pm » |
I had a good Craig's list experience. I sold two pendant necklaces to a woman who bought them as gifts for her friends. She was great and couldn't say enough good things about my creations. I also directed her to iCraft. I currently have 3 ads on Craig's list. Kijiji is another story I got the run around from some guy and finally he just stopped emailing me after I sent him a PayPal invoice. I will be putting another ad on Kijiji just because you never know when a good customer might be shopping online. Don't be discouraged! Deb icraftgifts.com/designsbydebra
Posts: 71
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2009, 04:44:29 pm » |
thanks Deb that helps to know there are some valid customers on the site, I will be patient. and ad some more, thanks Laura http://www.twitter.com/mountaindreamers
Posts: 2
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2009, 05:17:29 pm » |
I changed my twitter background. No problem there.
I too am a bit hesitant about CraigList and Kijiji. Nice to hear that it is working for you Debs!
I need to figure out how to have a signature here on this thread...that is my self imposed task.
Posts: 147
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2009, 05:58:27 pm » |
I changed my Twitter background to include photos of some of my favorite jewelry creations. I put a new ad on Kijiji. I updated some of my products and cloned a few as well on iCraft. I spent most of my afternoon editing photos. I hope to have a new product on iCraft later today. See you later! Deb icraftgifts.com/designsbydebra I wish there was a way to add your shop signature to posts as well!
Mostly Sundays
Posts: 14
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2009, 08:05:27 pm » |
1. set up business twitter account. 2. changed background 3. added specific, clear words to profile 4. twitted some updates 5. listed new item on icraft and 3 on etsy. 6. went to Linda's Marketing site and added my blog to indie site - working on adding it to blogflux also. It's a challenge to copy URL but I'm getting it done!! yeah me!
7. getting business cards ready to hand out tomorrow at friend's home party.
Posts: 32
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2009, 12:26:53 am » |
I installed a personalized background on Twitter. I choose my four pictures and clicked on finished. A message came up saying "Please Wait" and nothing further has happened. I opened my page on Twitter and I know the pictures are on the left side as I can see the top of one of them, but over top of them is my little avatar with the words neatTreats and then listed under that are my postings. It's almost as if it started to download but then was interrupted, and I think this might be what happened because if you go back to the page where I downloaded my pictures it still says "Please Wait."
I noticed it's the same on almost all the other sites I'm following that seem to have chosen the option for a personalized background. Am I missing something here? Is there something I should be clicking on to see what hopefully others are seeing, in other words, my four pictures down the left side?
If someone who's following me wouldn't mind clicking on my site and telling me if you see my four photos I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks a million.
Posts: 147
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2009, 01:33:04 am » |
Hey Pam I just got back from checking out your Twitter page and it looks good! All your photos are there. It's like my page where the posts cover up most of the photos. But it looks good from what I can see! Also I put on a new product on iCraft! A Taiwan Turquoise and Charms Pendant Necklace #page has been deleted# I also downloaded Secrets of savvy Etsy Seller by On The Dot Creations. This is just full of great ideas! Thanks for sharing Julie! Can't wait to see what Christine has for us tomorrow! Good Night All! Deb icraftgifts.com/designsbydebra
Zs Knees
Posts: 114
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2009, 03:45:31 am » |
Eureka! I figured out why my links weren't linking! Trying to follow Derrick Sutton's advice, I'd added on to my shop name... not realizing that had changed my URL (duh! :roll: ) Got a new listing up... but I am still limiting myself to 5 items for the time being. Yes... I know there's a saying about needing to spend in order to get... but I feel I need to get my shop in better shape first. I'm shooting for August, and in the meantime I'm working on getting more new listings in and phasing out home decor/non-kids' stuff. I'll find another place for all that somewhere
Posts: 71
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2009, 01:00:12 pm » |
Hi All, I changed the twitter background to a custom 4 pics, http://www.twitter.com/mtndreamersNew cards ( purple background ) on their way added 4 new items last night ( so my rows would be even) blogged on the fourth, thought I lost my list of people I was following on the blog ( it just dissappeared ) then just as mysteriously reappeared whew!! following a lot more people trying to click on the new bootcampers and follow their blogs , and leaving a note for the new campers if no blog, I notice a lot of people do not have any items in their shops so I just say Hi. Have yet to go to Indie page and check out the business things? I need to rereplacement this more . have a great day , Laura http://www.mountaindreamers.blogspot.comhttps://icraftgifts.com/mountaindreamers