You can now communicate to your customers your
Exhibit Announcements by adding a short (140 character limit) message to your Profile here's a great way to let people know about upcoming sales or current offers, inform them when you are taking time off etc.
You can update your Exhibit Announcement as often as you want.
However, you will be required to specify an expiry date for it. In case you won’t be able to come back to the site to update your Announcement for a few days, we’ll remove it for you (based on the expiry date). This way your customers will never see anything outdated.
This announcement will be added to your Creator Exhibit RSS Feed, so those customers who will subscribe to your updates through RSS will receive both – individual product updates, as well as your Exhibit Announcement updates.
For now, we are asking you to add a short announcement on the profile page. In a few days, we’ll start showing them on your Exhibits. We are still working on this part.